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单词 相形见绌

相形见绌相形失色xiāng xíng jiàn chù

appear deficient in comparison; be (/prove) inferior by comparison; be outshone (/overshadowed/dwar fed); be pale beside (sb/sth);be pale in comparison;be cast (/put) in the shade as compared with; be shown to disadvantage by comparison; seem pallid in comparison; compare unfavourably with; take the shine off (/out of)
❍ 必须不断地提拔在斗争中产生的积极分子,来替换原有骨干中~的分子,或腐化了的分子。(《毛泽东选集》853) The activists who come forward in the course of the struggle must constantly be promoted to replace those original members of the leading group who are inferior by comparison or who have degenerated./……就是它们都会迷,会遮,会吓,其变化多端和诡异的程度,可以使过去的故事里的鬼~;……(何其芳《不怕鬼的故事》序) …they know all how to mask themselves,how to fascinate or terrify people,and their ability to transform and meta morphose themselves puts the ghosts in the old stories completely in the shade.


one-up;be one-upped;prove inferior;pale by comparison;be out-shone;appear deficient in comparison; pale into insignificance by comparison

相形见绌xiānɡ xínɡ jiàn chù

相形:互相比较;绌:不足。形容互相比较之下,就显出一方的不足。be outshone, pale beside, pale by comparison, appear deficient on comparison





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