释义 |
相持不下xiāng chí bù xiàlocked in (/resultin) a stalemate; both hold their grounds,eitheryielding; each refuses to yield (/give in/budge an inch); each sticks to his own stand; neither side gains any advantage ❍ 两派意见正~,一件未经甄别的紧急情报让慈禧下了决心。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》14)Just when the supporters of the two policies were deadlocked Ci Xi received an urgent but unconfirmed intelligence report that the violent actions of for eigners in different parts of the country were intended to force her to hand power back to the emperor. ❍ 双方的斗争,还在~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》237) Both sides were now locked in an unrelenting struggle. ❍ 仍然~,约莫又是个把钟头。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—254) The deadlock continued for another hour or so,…/正在~的时候,呜的一声,季交恕的左腿带了花。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—285) Fighting increased in intensity but neither side gained any advantage.Suddenly Jiaoshu received a wound in the left leg. 相持不下neither side yields to the other; be locked in a stalemate; lock horns; each sticks to his own stand 公司与工会就加薪问题~。The company has locked horns with the trade union over pay rise. 相持不下xiānɡ chí bù xià形容双方互不相让,彼此争执,无法解决。not to yield to each other, eyeball to eyeball, be locked in stalemate, come to a deadlock |