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单词 shell
释义 shell /Jel; Jcl/ n [C] 1 hard outer covering of bird's eggs, nuts (eg walnuts, coconuts), some seeds (eg peas) and fruits, and of some animals (eg oysters, lobsters, snails) or parts of them. (鸟卵或胡桃、椰子等坚果之) 壳; (豌豆等之) 荚; (螺、龙虾、蜗牛等动物之) 介殻; 贝殻。 → the illus at mollusc, 参看 mollusc 之插图。 go。retire into one's ~; come out of one's ~, become/cease to be shy, reserved, uncommunicative. 变为 (不再) 羞怯沉默。 ' ~- fish n kinds of molluscs (oysters, etc) and crustaceans (crabs, shrimps, etc) having ~s. 贝 (如蜂等); 介殻瘟 (如蟹、虾等) 。 2 walls, outer structure, of an unfinished building, ship, etc or of one of which the contents have been destroyed (eg by fire): (尙未完工之房屋、船等或内部被大火等毁坏后之) 框架; 骨架; 船体: ( V the ~ of the factory was left when the fire had been extinguished. 火扑灭以后这工厂只剩下屋架了。 3 (US 美 → cartridge) metal case filled with explosive, to be fired from a large gun. 炮弹。 Cf 参较 cartridge for rifles, shot-guns. 用于方由,猎枪之 cartridgeo → the illus at cartridge. 参看 cartridge 之插图。 '~proof adj so thickly or strongly built that a ~ cannot pierce it. 防炮弹的。 ' ~- shock n nervous or mental disorder caused bv the noise and blast of bursting ~s. 炮弹休克; 弹震症、 (由炮弹之爆炸和震声所引起之靑神病) 。 4 light racing-boat propelled by oarsmen. (竞赛用之) 轻舟。 vt, vi 1 [VP6A] take out of a ~⑴ (cf 参较 US 美 shuck): 去壳; 剥壳: It's as easy as ~ing peas, is very easy. 那就保剥豌豆一般的容易; 极其容易。 These peas ~ easily, are easily ~ed. 这些豌豆容易剥。 2 [VP6A] fire ~s (3) at: 施击: ~ the enemy's trenches. 炮击敌人之 UK 3 ~ out, [VP15B, 2C] (colloq) pay up (money, a required sum): (俗) 仆 (款,所亩之数): I shall be expected to ~ out (the money) for the party. 我将要付出这个集会的费用。




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