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单词 文不加点

文不加点wén bù jiā diǎn

never make the slightest change in writing; have a facile pen; the writing is faultless; write well; fast and without need of revision; write with facility;the style leaves nothing to be desired
❍ 这蔡御史终是状元之才,拈笔在手,~,字走龙蛇,灯下一挥而就,作诗一首。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》154) This Censor Cai was at least an accomplished scholar: he picked up the pen and dashed off a poem in a flash under the lamp.…/那时邯郸淳年方十三岁,~,……(《三国演义》614) At that time Handan Chun was only thirteen,but the composition of the inscription was so perfect that neither jot nor tittle could be added,…

文不加点wen bu jia dian

never blot a line in writing

文不加点wén bù jiā diǎn

点:涂改。文章一气写成,不用修改。形容文思敏捷,写作技巧娴熟。have a facile pen, never make the slightest change in one’s writing





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