释义 |
敷衍了事fū yǎn liǎo shìbe half-hearted about;do one’s work perfunctorily;do sth (/perform one’s duty) in a perfunctory manner;make a show of doing one’s duty; make short shrift of; muddle through (/with) one’s work; palter;shuffle through one’s work ❍ 他没想到,卢书记抓他抓得这样紧,也没想到村里的行政工作,竟变得这样难办,竟不允许他~!(柳青《创业史》207) But he never dreamed Secretary Lu would keep such a close check on him. Nor had he ever expected that the village administrative work would become so difficult that he couldn’t get by with only going through the motions./……或者在对这些现象进行斗争的时候,采取~、调和折衷的态度。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》64) …or they are perfunctory and compromising in the struggle against them. ❍ 办事不认真,无一定计划,无一定方向,~,得过且过,做一天和尚撞一天钟。(《毛泽东选集》331) To work half heartedly without a definite plan or direction;to work perfunctorily and muddle along—“So long as one remains a monk,one goes on tolling the bell.” 敷衍了事do things(or work)perfunctorily;try to muddle through 敷衍了事fū yǎn liǎo shì敷衍:不认真。做事马马虎虎,随便应付就算完事。muddle through one’s work, be slipshod in work, play at sth., attend to a matter negligently |