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单词 same
释义 same /seim; sem/ adj, pron (always the ~, except as noted in 6 below) (除了下列第 6 义所说明的情形外,总是与定冠词连用) 1 not different; unchanged: 同一的; 相同的; 无变化的: He is the ~ age as his wife. 他与妻同年。 We have lived in the ~ house for fifty years. 我们五十年来一直住在这憧房子里。 We are all going the ~ way. 我们将走同一条路。 2 the ~ ...that; the ~ as: She uses the ~ scent that you do/the ~ scent as you. 她用的香水和你的一样。 as,(13). 3 (with a relative clause introduced by that, where, who, etc. As replaces that if the v is omitted): (U接用 that, where, who 等所引导的关系子句; 如关系子句中之动词省略,则以 as 代替 that): Put the book back in the ~ place where you found it. 把书放回原位。。 eggs are sold the ~ day that/as they come in. 我们的鸡蛋在进货的当天就卖掉了。 The price is the ~ as last year. 这价格与去年相同。 Are these the ~ people (whom) we saw here last week? 这些就是我们上周在此地看到的那些人吗? 4 (as pron) the same thing: (用作代名词)同样之事物: We must all say the ~. 我们大家必须说相同的话。 I would do the ~ again. 我愿重做一次。 be all/just the ~ to, make no difference to; be a matter of indifference to: 对 →→ 样; 对…无关紧要: You can do it now or leave it till later; it's all the ~ to me. 你现在做或留待以后做, 对我都一样。 5 (in phrases) (用于片语中) come/amount to the ~ thing, have the ~ result, meaning, etc: 具有相同的结果、意义等: You may pay in cash or cheque; it comes to the ~ thing. 你付现款或支票,结果是一样的。 the very ~, (emph): (强势语): You've made the very ~ mistake again! 你又犯了一模一样的错误! one and the ~, absolutely the ~: 完全相同的: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde were one and the ~ person. 吉柯医生和海德先生. 是同一人。 at the ~ time, a together: 共同地; 同时: Don't all speak at the ~ time. 不要高时说话。 She was laughing and crying at the ~ time. 她一面笑一面哭。 b (introducing a fact, etc that is to be borne in mind) yet; still; nevertheless: (引导一项须予记住的事实等) 然而; 可是: At the ~ time you must not forget that... 可拍,你切不可忘记…。 6 (with this, that, these, those) already thought of, mentioned or referred to: (与 this, that, these, those 连用) 已想到、 谈到或提到的; 上速的: I stayed at home on Monday, and on that ~ day, the office was wrecked by a bomb. 星期一我在家里,就在那天,办公室被一枚炸弹毁坏了。 7 (as pron, often without the def art; comm use only): (用作代名词,常无定冠词,仅作商业用语): To dry-cleaning suit, £3; to repairing ~, £2. 干洗一套衣服,三镑; 修补一套衣服,二镑。 adv in the ~ way: 同样地; 相同地: Old people do not feel the ~ about these things as the younger generation. 对于这些事情,老年人和年轻的一代持不同的看法。 all the ~, nevertheless: 仍然; 然而; He's not very reliable, but I like him all the ~. 他不很可靠,但我仍然喜欢他。 ~ness n [U] the condition of being the of being uninteresting through lack of variety. 同一; 相同; 单调 W. 味。




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