妄wànɡ ❶ (荒谬不合理) absurd; outrageous; preposterous: 狂 ~ 自大 arrogant and conceited ❷ (非分的; 出了常规的; 胡乱) presumptuous; reckless; rash: ~ 断 jump to a conclusion; ~ 作主张 make a presumptuous decision ◆妄动 take rash actions; take reckless actions; rash action; reckless action; ill-considered action; 妄加猜测 make wild guesses; 妄加评论 make improper com ̄ ments; 妄加指责 make rash criticism; 妄念 wild fancy; improper thought; 妄求 inappropriate request; presumptuous demand; 妄人 [书] an ignorant and presumptuous person; 妄图 try in vain; vainly attempt; 妄下雌黄 make improper comments; make an arbitrary alteration; 妄想 vain hope; wishful thinking; delusion; kink; delirium; ecphronia; 妄想狂 paranoia; paranea; nympholepsy; 妄想型精神分裂症 {心理} paranoid schizophrenia; 妄言 tell lies; talk nonsense; wild talk; rant; 妄言妄听 Don't take it too seriously.; 妄庸 (of a person) very common and somewhat conceited; 妄语 tell lies; talk nonsense; wild talk; rant; 妄语虚词 wild talks and vain words; 妄自菲薄 improperly belittle oneself; inferiority complex; look down upon oneself; think lightly of oneself; underestimate oneself; underestimate one's own capabilities; undervalue oneself; unduly humble oneself; 妄自尊大 be overbearing; aggrandize oneself; be arrogant and overweening; be eaten up with pride; be given to swaggering; be overweening; be puffed up with pride; be puffed up with self-importance; be selfconceited [self-important]; boast wildly of oneself; give oneself airs; have too high an opinion of oneself; indulge in foolish display; self-conceit; self-glorification; self-importance; set oneself up as superior to everyone; swell with pride; think no small bear of oneself 妄wàngabsurd; preposterous; presumptuous; rash; frenetic |