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单词 wound
wound/wu:nd/ nvt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)(创)伤(injury to part of a body)[C]: a gun/knife~枪/刀伤;have (get) two bullet-~s in the head/the leg 头部/腿部有两处枪伤;receive (sustain) a serious stomach~/a serious~in the stomach 腹部受重伤;How long will the fresh/green~in his arm take to heal? 他胳膊上的新伤口需要多长时间才能愈合? dress/bind up/tie up a~包扎伤口;undress a~去掉伤口上的绷带;aggravate/heal a~使伤口恶化/治愈伤口;sew up/stitch/suture a~缝合伤口;wash the~冲洗伤口;die of/from a terrible~死于重伤;The~gave him pain/was healing/was inflamed. 伤口给他带来疼痛/正在愈合/感染了。〖同〗cut;

(2)伤害(hurt sb's mind or feeling or reputation)[C][N(to)]:The loss of his job/The defeat was a~to his pride. 丢掉工作/这次失败伤了他的自尊心。Her refusal was a~to his vanity. 她的拒绝是对他虚荣心的伤害。ease the~of sb's desertion 缓解某人的背弃所造成的伤害;The argument caused a~that has never healed. 争论造成了难以愈合的伤害。The war has left him deep psychological~s.战争给他留下很深的心理创伤。a war~战争创伤;〖同〗hurt,distress,injury,damage;

vt(1)使受伤(injure)[T+n,尤pass]:be~ed in the fighting/the battle/the war 在战斗/战斗/战争中受伤;Thirty were killed and five seriously~ed in this air crash. 这次空难有30人死亡,5人受重伤。a~ed face/man 受伤的脸/人;The shot/bullet~ed the policeman in the left arm. 那一枪/颗子弹击伤了警察的左臂。The gunmen opened fire,~ing many and killing one. 枪手开了枪,打伤多人,击毙一人。The hunter~ed the deer. 猎人打伤了鹿。~sb to death 使某人受伤致死;〖同〗cut,tear,hurt,injure;〖反〗heal;

(2)伤害(hurt sb's mind or feelings or reputation)[T+n,尤pass]:(Jane) be~ed by John's words/ingratitude 约翰的话/忘恩负义使(简)十分伤心;be~ed in one's self-esteem 自尊心受到伤害;~ed spirit 受到伤害的心灵;Her nasty remark really~ed me (She~ed me with her nasty remark). 她说的那些下流话伤害了我。His pride was badly~ed. 他的自尊心受到了严重的伤害。By mere negligence she seriously~ed the feelings of the guest. 仅仅由于疏忽,她严重地伤害了客人的感情。~ing remarks 伤感情的话;〖同〗hurt,offend,pain,distress;〖反〗heal,calm,comfort;

the wounded 伤员;受伤的人[接pl动词]:The~ed were carried from the battlefield. 伤员们从战场上被抬了下来。It would take hours for the rescue team to get the~ed out. 救援队要花好几个小时才能把受伤的人解救出来。

【辨异】1)动词 woundhurtinjure的区别见HURT。2)名词woundhurt injury 的区别见HURT。





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