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单词 顺水推舟

顺水推舟shùn shuǐ tuī zhōu

Push the boat along with the current—make use of an opportunity to gain one’s end; do sth without extra effort; make use of(/take advantage of) a favourable situation(/trend) to facilitate (sth); trim one’s sails to the wind
❍ 他看柳惠光不吭气,便~,把问题放到柳惠光面前。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—482) Noticing that Liu Huiguang was saying nothing,he decided to do the best he could in the circumstances and pass the problem to Liu Huiguang and see what he did with it.
❍ 潘信诚识破他的心思,便~,说:“这次非阿永去反映不行。”(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—554) Pan Xincheng,who could see what he had in mind,helped him on his way: “We must definitely have Ayong to put our case.”/天地也,做得个怕硬欺软,却原来也这般顺水推船。(《关汉卿戏剧集·感天动地窦娥冤》19) The gods are afraid of the mighty and bully the weak; they let evil take its course.
❍ 老爷何不顺水行舟,做个人情,将此案了结,日后也好去见贾王二公。(《红楼梦》46)❶So why not sail with the stream and do them a good turn,settling this case in such a way that you can face them in future?
❷Why not trim your sails to the wind in your handling of this case? Why not make a virtue of necessity by doing them a favour which will stand you in good stead next time you see them?/徐义德看情势推却不了,只得~,做个人情。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—118) Xu Yide realized that he was committed to it now and that the only thing he could do was to swim with the current and do the man a favour.
❍ 哈叭狗~这么一闹腾,联络员们看到武工队出的这个主意,教给的这套办法真的生了效,个个心里都十分高兴,…… (冯志《敌后武工队》184) The Pekinese had taken the line of least resistance. Now that the work team’s tactic had worked,the contact men were terribly happy,…/本来是干儿子,再做女婿,反正差不很多,~,省得大家出丑。(老舍《骆驼样子》78) After all,you’d already be his foster-son,what’s the difference between that and a son-in-law? That way,without any effort,we’d save ourselves a scandal.


push the boat along with the current—swim with the tide;go with the flow;make use of an opportunity to gain one’s end

顺水推舟shùn shuǐ tuī zhōu

顺着水流的方向推船。比喻因利乘便,顺势行事。make use of an opportunity to gain one’s end, push the boat with the current, swim with the current





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