释义 |
executorn. 1. executioner死刑执行人。 △H. V. 1. 2. 202:“The sad-eyed justice,with his surly hum,/ Delivering o’er toexecu tors pale / The lazy yawning drone.” (drone:non-working bee)那眼神严厉的法官,愠怒地哼了一声,把偷懒不干活、只打呵欠的雄蜂交给了苍白脸的刽子手。 2. executioner; legal executor who will dispose ofwhat the dead leave behind死刑执行者;(又解)负责处理死者遗物的合法执行人。 △H. V. 4. 2. 51:“And their execu-tors,the knavish crows,” i. e. the thievish crows,whowill be the executioners of these horses. or will dis-pose of their carcasses after their death.它们的死刑执行者(又译:遗体处理者),那些贼头贼脑的乌鸦。 executor遗嘱执行人法律术语。由立遗嘱人指定执行其遗嘱条款并监督其意愿落实情况的人。如果死者未留下清理财产或偿还债务方面的遗嘱,法庭可指定遗嘱执行人协理处理上述事宜。 |