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单词 execution


1. carrying into effect,carrying out,performance,accomplishment实行,执行,履行,实现。
△Mac.3.1. 105(104): “Whose execution takes your enemy off,”实行出来便可除掉你们的仇敌。
△1H.VI.5.5.97: “If you docensure me by what you were,/ Not what you are,Iknow it will excuse / This sudden execution of mywill.”如果你用你自己年轻时的心情、而不是用你现在的心情来判断我的话,我知道你就会原谅我这样突然心血来潮的行动了。
2. performance,carrying out,manner of proceeding履行,进行,进行方式。
△Rom.4.1.68: “I do spy a kindof hope,/ Which craves as desperate an execution /As that is desperate which we would prevent.”我看出了一线希望,只是它实行起来需要采取一种不顾一切的手段,正和我们所要避免的事情是同样的不顾一切。
3. exercise,exercise of powers行使,行使权力。
△Lr.1.1.139 (137): “The sway,revenue,execution of therest,/ Beloved sons,be yours,”统治大权,国库收入,其余一切的发号施政,爱婿们,都交给你们了。
4. action,activity,operation行动,活动,作用。
△Oth.3.3.466 (465): “Witness that here lago doth give up /The execution of his wit,hands,heart,/ To wrongedOthello’s service!”作证吧,伊阿古在此愿把他头脑、手、心的作用都交付出来,为受欺的奥瑟罗效劳!
5. deed功绩。
△H.V.2.2.17: “Doing the executionand the act / For which we have in head assembled them?”完成我们把他们征集起来成为军队所要进行的事功和行动吗?
6. giving practical effect to(a passion),action pro-ceeding from (a passion)(激怒的)发泄,(由激怒引起的)行动。
△3H.VI.2.2.110:“for scarce I can refrain / Theexecution of my big-swoll’n heart / Upon that Clif-ford,”因为我简直无法控制把我满腔的怒火一下子都发泄到那个克利福头上。
7. deed of hostility and violence,blows,slaughter,death lawfully inflicted 敌对暴力行为,打,杀,死刑。
△2H. vi. 1. 3. 135 (132):“Thy cruelty in execution /Upon offenders hath exceeded law,”你对犯人们滥施酷刑,超出了法律规定。
8. slaughter,killing屠杀,杀人。
△Mac. 1.2. 17:“withhis brandished steel,/ Which smoked with bloody ex-ecution,”(The blood on Macbeth’s sword was so freshthat it was still warm,and vapour rose from it; itsmoked. ) 他手挥利剑,一路砍杀,那剑上的血还热气腾腾。
△2H. IV. 4. 3. 78 (72): “Retreat is made and execution stayed.”已经命令收兵,停止追杀。
do execution on: kill杀死。
△1H. VI. 3. 2. 34: “Enterand cry ‘The Dauphin!’presently,╱And then do ex-ecution on the watch. ” 立刻进城,大喊“太子来了!”然后杀掉守军。





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