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单词 execute


1.carry into effect,give effect to实行,实现。
△Shr.1.1. 248 (246):“One thing more rests,that thyself exe-cute—”还有一件事,你必须要做。
△1H.IV.1.2. 179(161):“I have a jest to execute that I cannot managealone.”我要开一场玩笑,可是我一个人办不了。
2. practise,let work,indulge实践,让…起作用,使肆意而行。
△R.III.1.4. 69:“O God,if my deep prayers can-not appease thee,/ But thou wilt be avenged on mymisdeeds,/ Yet execute thy wrath in me alone!”啊,上帝,如果我这发自衷诚的祈祷还不能使你息怒,你一定要对我的错误进行报复的话,你就把你的愤怒都发泄在我一个人身上吧!
3. perform执行。
△3H.VI.2.4.10: “To execute thelike upon thyself;”也要在你身上执行同样的事。
4. put to death,kill处死,杀死。
△1H.VI.1.4.36:“Whom with my bare fists I would execute,/ If I nowhad him brought into my power.”如果我现在能把他抓住,我赤手空拳也要把他处死。
5. i.e. slit (a criminal’s nose) as a preparation beforehis death on the gallows处以死刑,(转指)割破(将处绞刑的犯人的鼻子)。
△H.V.3.6.114 (105): “but his nose isexecuted,”i.e. his nose is slit before being hanged. 但是他的鼻子已经被割开了。
~ vb.
1. carry into execution 执行。
△2H.VI.4.1.130:“More can I bear than you dare execute.”我所能承受的比你敢执行的更多。
2. put to death in a legal form,kill执行死刑,杀人。
△3H.VI.5.6. 32: “If murdering innocents beexecuting,/ Why,then thou art an executioner.”如果杀害无辜者算是执行死刑,那么你就是刽子手。
3. bring (a weapon) into operation,wield (a weapon)使用(武器),挥动(武器)。
△Oth.2.3.229 (227): “AndCassio following him with determined sword / to exe-cute upon him.”i.e. to kill him. 凯西奥追过来,下狠心举剑就要杀他。


v. 演奏,执行,扮演角色,实施,实行,完成,使生效,签字,处决,编制
◇ execute by shooting 枪毙,枪决
‖ execute a free throw 执行罚球
execute fire 开火
execute instruction 执行指令
execute phase 执行阶段
execute twice in succession连作两次
execute with strength 慢起
executing agency 执行机构
executing group 工作执行小组
executable adj. 可实行的,可执行的,可完成的,可演奏的
executable file 可执行文件
executable instruction 可执行指令
executant n. 实行者,执行者
execution n. 实行,完成,执行
compulsory execution强制执行
execution command 执行指令
execution facilities 交易设施
execution ground 刑场
execution of business 执行事务
execution of contract 履行合同
execution of the budget 预算执行
excution of will遗嘱执行
execution organ 执行机关
execution sale 强制拍卖
execution time 完成时间
into execution 实现,完成
stay of execution 延期执行
◇ carry...into execution 实现,完成
do execution 生效
for execution 动作完成的情况
executioner n.死刑执行人,刽子手
executive adj.执行的,行政的,高中级管理人员
chief executive 行政长官
executive agreement 行政协定
executive arm 执行部门,执行机构,行政机构
Executive Assistant 行政助理
executive authority 行政机关
executive board 执行委员会,董事会,理事会
executive branch 行政部门
executive chairman执行主席
Executive Committee 常务委员会,执行委员会
Executive Council 行政会议,执行委员会
executive council member常务理事
executive director 执行董事,执行导演,执行理事
Executive Directorate Committee 首长级委员会
executive function行政职务
executive housekeeper 客房部主管
executive-led 行政主导
executive machinery 行政机关
Executive Manager 总经理
executive meeting 常务会议
Executive Officer 行政主任,执行官,主任参谋,副舰长,副站长,主管人员
executive order 行政命令
executive organ 执行机关
executive position 行政职位
executive power 行政管理权,管理权,行政权力
executive privilege 行政特权
executive proceedings 执行手续
executive producer 制片主任,总监制
executive report 行政报告
executive secretary执行秘书,行政秘书
executive session 秘密会议
executive summary 摘要,执行摘要
executive transport 行政勤务运输机
executive veto 行政否决权
executive Vice Minister 常务副部长
Executive Vice-President 执行副总裁
executor n. 执行者,遗嘱执行,执行程序
executorial adj.executory adj.实行的,执行的
executory contract 待执行的合同
executory estate 待执行的财产权
executory interest 待生效的权益
executory lease 租赁债务
executory sale 远期买卖
executory trust 待生效的





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