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单词 足智多谋

足智多谋zú zhì duō móu

clever and resourceful;wise and full of stratagems; wise and tactful
❍ 公自谓~,今竟何如?(《三国演义》174) You say you are able enough and clever,but what about your position today?/云长虎将,~,不可轻敌,只宜坚守。(《三国演义》636) Kuan Yu is very dangerous,too brave and skilful for you to try to defeat. You had better remain on the defensive.
❍ ~之士,能征惯战之将,何止一二千人。(《三国演义》378) He has enough administrators and strategists to control such a host and his capable and veteran leaders are more than a thousand:perhaps more than two thousand.
❍ 到底是婶娘宽洪大量,~! (《红楼梦》893) It’s most generous and kind of you. How clever you are!/人皆言诸葛亮周瑜~,吾笑其无能为也。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》108) Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu are always said to be crafty,but to my mind they are fools.
❍ 在侦察队里,周良才是一个以谨慎细心、~出名的经验丰富的老侦察员。(杨佩瑾《剑》330)A veteran scout,Zhou was noted for hisi ntelligence,prudence and rich experience.
❍ ~的老侦察班长,常常在关键时刻只用一两句话就说中梁塞光的心思,增添了梁塞光的决心。(杨佩瑾《剑》224) Zhou was always resourceful. At critical moments,he would pass a few remarks that corresponded to Liang’s own ideas and strengthened Liang’s determination./“向宿营地前进。” 剑波命令一声,小分队走出山门。。战士们的心,对剑波的这一决定,表示怀疑,既使是~的杨子荣也不例外。(曲波《林海雪原》152) “Back to camp.” Jianbo commanded. The PLA men filed out through the monastery gate. They were doubtful about the wisdom of Jianbo’s action; even the shrewd and experienced Zirong had his reservations.
❍ 武工队都是~、文韬武略的人们!(冯志《敌后武工队》244) Everyone in the work team is a seasoned fighter,wise and tactful.


wise and resourceful


wise and resourceful;shrewd and full of stratagems

足智多谋zú zhì duō móu

足:足够,多。形容智谋非常多,善于料事和谋划、用计。resourceful, wise and full of stratagems, have one’s wits about one, be able enough and clever





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