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单词 通风报信

通风报信tōng fēng bào xìn

furnish (/divulge)secret information; keep sb posted on(/informed about) some affair; pass on what one has learned to; provide sb with information (/intelligence);send secret messages; serve as one’s listening posts; tip sb off
❍ 陶阿毛心里想,重点试纺的“底”摸的差不多了;刚才梅厂长一定是坐汽车回家,他想快点结束这个谈话,好早一点~。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—521) Tao Amao was thinking to himself that he now had a pretty good idea of what was involved in the key-point check spinning;Mei Zuoxian was doubtless on his way home and all Tao Amao wanted now was to get the conversation over quickly so that he could pass on what he had learned to Mei Zuoxian straight away.
❍ 叫他给咱~,叫他给咱指向带路。(《杨佩瑾《剑》210) Let them provide us with intelligence and show us the way.
❍ 共产党当然要领导工会,我们给他来个换汤不换药,表面上是他的,实际上里面有我们的人,要是不能按我们的心事办事,至少可以~。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—11) The Communists would of course want to leadthe trade union themselves but we could keep the old system going in a new guise: to all appearances it would be in their hands but in actual fact we’d have our own people inside it arranging things our way,or at least serving as our listening posts.

通风报信tong feng bao xin

divulge or furnish secret information


furnish or divulge secret information;tip sb off
肯定有人事先给嫌疑犯~了。Someone must have tipped off the suspect beforehand.

通风报信tōnɡ fēnɡ bào xìn

把对立双方中一方的有关消息秘密地告诉另一方。tip sb. off, pass on information, send news secretly, divulge secret information





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