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单词 如法炮制

如法炮制如法泡制rú fǎ páo zhì

prepare herbal medicine by the prescribed method—follow a set pattern;act according to plan; be modelled on;do sth exactly as others have done; follow sb’s example; follow suit; make sth by old formulas; go through the same procedure
❍ 用的是《陶渊明集》,如法泡制,那两句是:“寄意一言外,兹契谁能别。”(鲁迅《华盖集续编》109) I used the poems of Tao Yuanming,and acted according to plan The two lines I hit on were:The meaning is beyond words;|Who could untie this knot?/后来在下村,盛家~,不许李家里车水,李家一些调皮的角色夜里起来,偷偷地干。(周立波《山乡巨变》190) In the Lower Village,the Shengs followed the Lis’ example and wouldn’t let them pump water up,so the bolder characters among the Lis got up at night to do it by stealth.
❍ 两个茶房将第二箱抬到仓面上,他~,一箱书又变成了一箱半,还撕碎了几个厚纸包。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—181) Two stewards carried my second case to the deck,and he went through the same procedure. Again one case of books became one case and a half and several thick bundles of papers were also torn up.

如法炮制ru fa pao zhi

prepare herbal medicine by the prescribed method—follow a set pattern


prepare herbal medicine by the prescribed method—follow a set pattern;follow suit

如法炮制rú fǎ pào zhì

炮制:制中药的一种方法。仿照成法制药剂。比喻完全照现成方法去行事。follow suit, follow a set pattern, act after the same fashion

如法炮制rú fǎ pào zhì

preparation ofherbal medicine by the prescribed method





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