释义 |
如火如荼rú huǒ rú túlike a raging (prairie)fire; flare like a fire set to dry tinder; fiery; grow vigorously; in full swing; momentous; [of troops]massed together in splendid formation ❍ 过了两年 “五四运动”发生了。报纸上的~的记载唤醒了他的被忘却了的青春。(巴金《家》40) Two years later,in 1919,the May Fourth Movement began. Fiery,bitter newspaper articles awakened in Juexin memories of his youth./“九一八”以后,全国人民~的抗日爱国运动被反动的国民党的血腥屠杀镇压下去了。(杨沫《青春之歌》129) After the September the Eighteenth Incident,the patriotic movement to resist Japan which had been spreading like wildfire throughout the country had been checked by the bloody massacres carried out by the Kuomintang. ❍ 在樱花盛开的时候,留学日本的周恩来同志再也按捺不住内心的激动,毅然从日本乘船回到了天津。海河两岸,迎接他的是~的斗争。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅱ—5) It was the time when the cherry-blossom was in full bloom in Japan. Comrade Zhou Enlai,who was studying there. was too bestirred to remain abroad. He returned to Tianjin by boat and pitched himself right away into the struggle raging in the city. 如火如荼like a raging fire 反对种族隔离的斗争~。The struggle against apartheid was mounting like a raging fire./改革开放运动~。The vigorous campaign for reform and opening-up has been under way for quite some time. 如火如荼rú huǒ rú tú荼:指茅草上的白花。形容像火一样红,像茅草的花一样白。原比喻军容壮盛,现多形容气势蓬勃、旺盛。like a raging fire, flaring like fire, like wildfire |