释义 |
如梦初醒如梦方醒rú mèng chū xǐngas if awakening from a dream—beginning to see the light; realize at last ❍ 今朕闻相父之言,如梦初觉,复何忧哉! (《三国演义》733) But now since you have spoken,O Minister-Father,I am as one awakened from a dream; I shall grieve no more. ❍ 一席话,说得蘧公孙如梦方醒。(《儒林外史》168) This conversation made Qu Xianfu feel as if he were coming out of darkness in to the bright light of day. ❍ 直到丈夫手里的报纸忽然豁萨一响,她这才~。(《茅盾文集》Ⅷ—117) It was only when he noisily flung the newspaper aside that she was startled into attentiveness. ❍ 回来说是巧姐儿同着刘老老在那里说话儿呢,邢夫人才如梦初觉,知是他们弄鬼,…… (《红楼梦》 1533) When the girl came back to report that Qiaojie and Granny Liu were talking there too,Lady Xing at last realized the trick played on her and suspected Lady Wang of setting her son against her. ❍ 大家这才如大梦初醒,虽然因为坐得太久,两腿都麻木了,一时站不起身,但心里又惊又喜,恰如遇到大赦的一样。(鲁迅《出关》) At this,they seemed to wake from a lengthy dream. After sitting so long,their legs were too numb to get up immediately. But their hearts knew the same joy and astonishment as prisoners to whom an amnesty is declared. 如梦初醒feel as if one were waking from a dream; wake up all of a sudden—be startled into attentiveness 如梦初醒rú mènɡ chū xǐnɡ好像做梦刚醒一样。比喻从错误、糊涂的认识中刚刚醒悟过来。as if awakening from a dream, beginning to see the light, come to know what was all about |