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❶ (空间或时间距离短) near;close: ~ 百年史 the history of the last hundred years;~ 几年来 in recent years;
歌声由远而 ~。 The singing came closer and closer. 靠 ~ 些。 Come closer. 离国庆节很 ~ 了。 National Day is drawing near.;It'll soon be National Day. 他讲课总是由 ~ 及远,由浅入深。 His lectures always proceed from the close to the distant and from the elementary to the profound.
❷ (接近) approaching;approximately;close to: 年 ~ 60 approaching sixty;
平易 ~ 人 amiable and easy of approach;
观众 ~ 万人。 There were nearly 10,000 spectators. 时 ~ 午夜。 It was close upon midnight.
❸ (亲近;关系密切) intimate;closely related: 两家关系挺 ~。 The two families are on intimate terms.
❹ [书] (浅近;浅显) easy to understand: 浅 ~ simple and easy to understand;
言 ~ 旨远 simple in language but profound in meaning Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 公义 Jin Gongyi
◆近岸 off-shore;nearshore;
近便 close and convenient;close at hand;
近程 short range;
近代 modern times;
近道 shortcut;
近海 coastal waters;inshore;offshore;
近乎 close to;little short of;near;almost;approximately;[方] intimate;friendly;
近郊 outskirts of a city;suburbs;environs;
近景 {摄} close shot;bust;
近聚焦 proximity focused;
近距离 close range;close quarter;at short range;
近况 recent developments;how things stand;
近来 recently;of late;lately;
近邻 near neighbour;neighbour;close neighbour;
近旁 nearby;near;side;
近期 in the near future;short term;recent;
近亲 close relative;near relation;flesh and blood;proximity of blood;
近区 near region;near zone;close-in;
近日 recently;in the past few days;within the next few days;
近日点 {天} perihelion;
近日距 {天} perihelion distance;
近视 myopia;nearsightedness;shortsighted ̄ness;
近水楼台 waterside pavilion;a favourable position;terrace and pavilion near the water — convenient access;
近水楼台先得月 be “waterfront towers,the first to catch the moon” — first come,first served;A waterfront pavilion gets the moonlight first — the advantage of being in a favored position.;
近似 approximate;similar;approach;approximation;roughness;propinquity;
近卫军 household troops;
近心点 pericenter;
近心投影 entocentric projection;
近星点 periastron;
近星体 plesioaster;
近义词 {语} words whose meaning is similar;near-synonym;homoionym;
近因 immediate cause;proximate cause;recency;
近于 bordering on;little short of;
近月点 {航天} perilune;pericynthion;
近在眼前 be close at hand;right here under one's nose;
近在咫尺 be close [near] at hand;a very short distance away;be but a few feet from here;be quite close to this place;be right under the nose (of sb.);It is close [near] by.;well within reach;
近战 fighting at close quarters;close combat;
近朱者赤,近墨者黑 take one's color from one's surroundings;He that lives with cripples learns to limp.;moral influence by contact [close association];近族婚姻 consanguineous marriage






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