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单词 go
释义 go1 /gau; go/ vi (3rd pets pres t goes /gauz; goz/. pt went /went; went/, pp gone /gon US: go: n; gon/) (For idiomatic uses with adverbial particles and preps, c29 below.) (与副词接语和介词连用的习惯用法,参看下列第 29 义。) 1 [VP2A, C, 3A, 4A] (with a prep or adv of place or direction, present or implied; ccome) (诚表示地点或方向的介词或副词连用) go (from/to); move, pass, from one point to another and away from the speaker, etc (cf 参较 come from/to): 走动; 声过; 行走; 离去 Shall we go (there) by train or by plane? 我们乘火车还是飞机去(那里)? He has gone to China, is now in, or on his way to, China. 他到中国去了。 He has gone to see his sister. 他探望他的姐姐(妹妹)去了。 Go and get your hat. 去拿你南帽子。 Let's go to the cinema. 我们去看电影吧。 Let's go, Let's leave. 我们走吧 c They came at six and went (= left) at nine. 他曲六时来到,九时离去。 I must be going now, must leave now. 我现在必须走了。 I wish this pain would go (away). 我希望这卷揃会消失。 All hope is gone (more usu today, has gone). 一切希望林没有了(现较常用 has gone) a Be gone! Go away! (the more usu expression today 走开!(现较常用 go away), Who goes there? (challenge from a sentry = Say who you are 谁?(哨兵盘问时用语)。 2 [VP2C] a be placed; have as a usual or proper position: 被安置; 以…为通常或适当的位置: Where do you want your piano to go? Where shall we put it? 你要我们把你的钢琴放在哪里? here does this teapot go?' 'In that cupboard.' ' 这茶壶放在何处 ?' ' 放在那个食橱内 This dictionary goes on the top shelf. 这部字典是放在顶层书架上的。 b be fitted or contained in: 纳入; 被包容: My clothes won't go into this small suitcase. 我的衣服装不进这小提箱。 7 into 15 won't go, 15 does not contain exact multiples of 7. 七除十五除不尽。 3 [VP2A, B, C, 3A] go (from/to), reach, extend; last; (of a person's behaviour, remarks, achievements, etc) reach certain limits: 到达; 延及; 持续; (指人的行为,言论,成就等)达到某种限度: This road goes to London. 这条路通伦敦, I want a rope that will go from the top window to the ground. 我要一条能从顶上的窗户伸到地上的绳子。 Differences between employers and workers go deep, Their views are far apart. 履主与工人间意见上的领突龙大。 go a long way, a last: 持续: She makes a little money go a long way, buys many things, etc bv careful spending. 她能用很少的钱买很多的东西。 A little of this paint goes a long way, covers a large area/ 这种漆一点点便可漆一大块面积。 b (colloq) be as much as one can bear: (俗)所能忍受的限度: A little of his company goes a long way, One can endure his company for a short time only. 同他在一起只要短时间就够受了。 go a long way/go far towards doing sth, make a considerable contribution towards: 对…有相当的口献 The Prime Minister's statement went a long way towards reassuring the nation. 首相的话, 在使国民恢复信心方面,甚为收效。 4 。(very) far, a last: 维 A pound doesn't go far nowadays, doesn't last, doesn't buy much. 现今一英镑不当用了。 b (of a person, future tense) succeed: (指人,用于未来式)成功: He will go far in the diplomatic service, will win promotion, etc. 他将来在外交界会有所成就“ go too far, go beyond acceptable limits: 过份: That's going too far, saying or doing more than is right. 那太过份了。 You must apologize at once—you've gone too far, exceeded the limits of accepted behaviour, etc. 你必须立刻道歉 —— 你太过份了。 go (any) further, go beyond a certain point: 进一步: i ll give you £50, but I can't go any further. 我廨意给你五十翎,但我不再多给了。 Need I go any further, do or say anything more? 还有需要我做(说)的吗? go as/so far as to do sth, do or say sth to a certain limit: 做糸或说话至某种限度: / won't go as far as to say he's dishonest, won't accuse him of this, even though I may suspect him of it. 我不愿意说他是不诚实(纵然我怀疑他,我不愿意这样指控他)。 7 would go so far as to suggest that the House of Lords should be abolished. 我甚至想建议废除上议院。 as far as it goes, to a limited extent: 至一限度: That's all very well as far as it goes, The limitations of the statement, explanation, etc must be realised. 就口前情形而言,一初良好。 What he says is true as far as it goes, suggesting that further information, knowledge, etc is needed or desirable. 就某种程度而言,他的话是对的。 go to great lengths/trouble/pains (to do sth), take care to do sth well: 费心将某事彼好: He went to great trouble to make his guests comfortable. 他尽力让他的客人感到舒服。 90 to ones head, 令 head,(19). go as low/high as. (of a price) reach a certain level: (指价格)达到某一标准: I'll go as high as £250, will offer this sum, eg at an auction. 我愿意出二百五十镑(例如在拍卖中)。 go one better (than sb), improve on what he has done: 较某人所做更佳: I hit the target 17 times out of 20, but Tom went one better and scored 18. 我在二十次中击中了目标十七次,但汤姆胜我一部,击中了十八次。 It all/just goes to show/prove that, tends or helps to show/prove that. 一切显示出(证明了)…。 4 go on a journoy/trip/outing, make a journey, take a trip, have an outing, etc. 去旅行(旅行,远足)。 go for a walk/swim, etc, go out in order to walk, swim, etc. 去散步(游泳等)。 go walking/ swimming, etc, take part in the activity of walking, swimming, etc: 散步(游泳等)(指参与散步,游泳等活动): Do they often go sailing? Is sailing sth they often do? 他们时常去驾船啮? (Cf 参较 Let's go for a walk, referring to a specified occasion. 指特殊场合。) Bill has gone (out) shopping, has gone to buy things in the shops. 比尔买东西去了。 5 (in the pattern, go + prep + n) (浦瓜 go + 介词 + 名词语劫中) a pass into/from the state indicated by the n. 变成某种状态。 go into abeyance. abeyance, go from bad to worse, → bad'(4). go into a coma/trance, coma, trance, go out of fashion, fashion, go into liquidation. c liquidation at liquidate, go to pieces, cpiece'(1). go to pot. O pot'(2 go to rack and ruin, rack, go into retirement, c retirement at retire. go to seed, seed, go to sleep, 中 sleep1 (3). go out of use, → use1 (1). go to war, 0 war. b go to the place ,一 etc indicated for the purpose associated with it. 到一指明的地点等做与其有关之事。 go to the block/stake, cblock1 (3), stake, go to church, attend a church service. 做礼拜。 go to hospital, → hospital, go to market. cmarket. go to school/college/university, attend school, etc in order to learn or study. 上学(大学)。 go to sea, become a sailor. 做海员。 go on the stage, → stage, go an the streets, cstreet, c have recourse to. 求助于; 诉诸。 go to the country, → country, go to law, → law(6). 6 [VP3A] go to sb, pass into sb's possession; be allotted to: 归某人所有; 归某人所得: Wfio did the property go to when the old man died, Who inherited it? 那老人死后,财产归谁所有? Honours do not always go to those who merit them. 荣誉并不总是归于应得之人。 The first prize went to Mr Hill. 第一奖为希尔先生所得。 7 [VP2D] become; pass into a specific condition: 变成; 进入某种特殊的情况: go blind/mad, etc. 变膳 (疯等)。 He went purple with anger/grey with orry. 他气得脸色发紫(忧愁得头发灰白了 ) → Fish soon goes bad (= rotten) in hot weather. 鱼在热天不久便变坏了。 The children went wild with excitement. 孩孚们兴奋得发狂。 This material has gone a nasty colour. 这料子变成归兮兮的颜色。 Kensington went Labour at the by-election, changed politically by returning the Labour candidate to Parliament. 肯辛顿于补选国会议员时改投工党候选人的票。 Will the country go Democrat next year? 该国明年会变成比主然的天下吗? go berserk, cberserk, go broke, become penniless. 破产。 go dry, dry,(T2). go flat, (of liquid) lose its gas content: (由液体)跑气: This beer has gone flat. 这啤酒跑气了。 go haywire, chay. go native, adopt the mode of life of the natives of the country in which one is living. 过当地人的生活。 go phut, (colloq) (of machines) collapse: (俗)(指机器)垮了; 不灵光了: The old car went phut half way up the hill; 那部老爷车在爬山的半途抛锚了; (fig): (喻): His plan/scheme/ project has gone phut. 他的计证泡汤了。 go scot-free / uncha! longed / unpunished, be free from penalty or punishment; escape being challenged. 未受罪; 未受诘难。 8 [VP2A, C] be moving, working, etc: 正在活动,工作等: This clock doesn't go. . 这钟不走了。 Is your watch going? 你的锁在走吗? Her tongue was going nineteen to the dozen, → dozen. 她刺刺不休(话讲个没完)。 The play went (down) like a bomb, (colloq) was very favourably received. (俗)那出戏非常叫座。 → go down in 28 below. 参看下列第 28 义之 go downe s going concern, a business in working order, operating well. 营业情况良好的商行。 9 [VP2C, D] be or live habitually in a specific state or manner: 习惯于某种状态; 过惯某种生活: Refugees often go hungry. 难民时常挨饿。 The men of this tribe used to go naked. 这个部落里的男子过去常是裸体的。 He went in fear of his e. 他经常恐惧会丧失生命。 [‘ 0 'd better go armed (=carry a weapon) while in the jungle. 你在丛林命最好携带武器。 She is six months gone, six months pregnant. 她已怀孕六个月了。 10 [VP2C, D, E] (after How) progress: (用于 'How' 之后)进展: How's everything going. 事情发展情形如何? How's work going? How goes work? 工作进展情况如何? How goes it? (colloq) How are you? (两)你好吗? (with an adv or adv equivalent, eg adj such as slow, easy, indicating -manner of progress): (与副词或相当于副词如 slow, easy 等形容词连用,表示应行的状愈): go badly/well, (of work, events) proceed (un)satisfactorily: (指工作,事件)进行(不) 满意 All has gone well with our plans, they've succeeded. 我们的计划顺利进行。 Things went better than had been expected. 事情的进行较预期者令人满意。 go easy (on/with sb/sth), be less strenuous, less severe; handle gently or carefully: 轻雾一些; 不要紧张; 不要太严丽; 小心处理: Go easy with / on the butter, that's all we have, don't be wasteful. 不要浪费牛油,我们只有那么多了。 Go easy with her, she's too young to realize her mistake. 对她不要太严厉,她太年轻而不知道她犯了错误。 go slow, a (of traffic) move forward slowly. (指交通)恒行 → Id) (of workers in factories, etc) work slowly, esp to reduce output, as a protest against sth or to draw attention to demands. (指工厂等的工人)怠工以示抗议。 Hence, 田此产生, 'go-slow n [C] such slow work. 表示抗议的怠工。 be going strong, be proceeding vigorously; be still flourishing: 有力地进行; 仍然旺盛: He's ninety and/but still going strong. 他九十岁了,但仍然健壮。 11 [VP2A, C] work; operate: 工作; 运转: This machine goes by electricity. 这机器击画推动。 I've been going hard (at it) all day and I'm exhausted. 我一整天辛苦地工作,我感到疲惫了。 12 [VP2A, C] (in progressive tenses only) be available, be offered: (仅用于进行式)可获得; 被提供: Are there any jobs going? 看什么工作机会吗? 13 [VP2C, 3A] go (to sb) for, be sold (to sb) for: (以…的价钱)被卖出(被售与某人): The house went cheap, it 房子卖得很便宜。 I shan't let _ mine go (- sell it) for less than £8000. 少于八千镑我的就不卖。 go for song, 点 song. Going! Going I Gone! (used at an auction to announce the closing of the bidding (拍卖时用语) 要卖掉了!要卖掉了!卖掉了! 14 [VP3A] go on/ in, (of money) be spent on: (指金钱)用于; 花在…上: How much of your money goes on food and clothes/in rent? 你的钱有多少花费在食物和衣服 (房租)上? Half the money he inherited went in gambling debts. 他所权承的金钱一半付了赌债。 15 [VP2A, C] be given up. abandoned, lost: 被放弃, 废除或失去: I'm afraid the car must go, We can no longer afford to run it, so must sell it. 我恐怕这车子必须卖掉了。 My sight is going, I'm losing my ability to see. 我的视力正在减退。 16 [VP2A, C] be current or accepted; be commonly thought of or believed: 流通; 丘传: The story goes that.... It is said that W 说…。 17 [VP2A] as people/things go, considering the average per-son/thing: 照一般人,东西等而论: They're good cars as cars go nowadays, judging them from the average or usual type today. 就目前一般汽车而论,他们是好汽车。 Five pounds for a pair of shoes is not bad as things go today, in view of how much things cost today. 照血今一般物价而言,一双姓卖五镑不算贵。 18 [VP2A] fail; collapse; give way; break off: 失败; 坍塌; 折裂; 中断: First the sails and then the mast went in the storm. 在那暴风雨中先是帆坏了,其次桅也断了。 The bank may go (= fail) any day. 这家银行随时可能倒闭。 He's far gone, is critically ill or (colloq) is mad. 他的病况甚为严重; (俗)他疯狂了。 let oneself go. relax, enjoy oneself, etc. 放骤自己; 享乐。 19 die: 死: He is going/has gone, poor fellow! 他要死了(已死了),可怜的人! dead and gone, dead and buried. 死去并已埋葬了。 20 [VP2A, C] be decided: 被决定: The case (is in a law court) went against him, he lost. 他普司打输了 case went in his favour, he won. 他官亩代蠢了。 How did the election go at Hull, Who was elected? 赫尔城的选举结果如何? Does promotion go by favour in your firm? 你们公司中的升迁是凭主管的偏爱吗? 21 (various phrases) (各种片语) go bail (for sb), cbail, go Dutch (with sb), cDutch, go shares/halves (in sth with sb). cshare'(1), half, go sick, csick1 (2). 'go it. (colloq) act vigorously, indulge in wild spending, etc. (俗)使动干; 浪费金钱等。 go it alone. act by oneself, without support. 自己干。 22 [VP2A, C] a have a certain wording or tune: 有某种审法或诅子: I'm not quite sure how the words go/tune goes. 我不太确定那些话是怎么说的(那个曲调是怎么唱的 )o b (of a verse or song) be adaptable (to a certain tune): (指诗歌)可适合(某曲调): goes to the tune of 1 Three Blind Mice'. 它可适合, Three Blind Mice, 的调子。 23 (colloq) (followed by and and another v) proceed to do sth: (俗)(后废 and 及另一动词)去做歩事: Go and shut the door, would you? (as an informal request). 去把门关上好吗?(作为非正式的请求)。 Go and ask that policeman the way. 去向那个警察问路。 Now you've gone and done it, (sl) have made a mistake, blundered. (俚)如今你犯了一个大错。 24 [VP2A, C] make a specific sound: 发某种声音: The clock goes 'tick-tock, tick-lock'. 时钟发出'滴答滴答'的声音。 'Bang!' went the gun. 声响了。. 25 (in bridge1) [VP6A] bid; declare: (W 牌)叫蔺: go two spades/three no trumps. 叫二黑桃(三无王) 26 [VP2A] begin an activity: 开始动作: One, two, three, go! or Ready, steady, go! (eg as a signal for competitors in a race to start). 一,二,三,开始!(竞赛开始的口令)。 Well, here goes! (used to call attention to the fact that one is about to start to do sth). 吸,开始了!(用以使人注意将要开始做某事)。 27 (used to express the future) (用以表示未来) be going to do sth, a indicating what is intended, determined or planned: 表示打算, 决定或计志做某事: We're going to spend our holidays in Wales this year. 今年我们要在威尔斯度假。 I'm going to have my own way. 我要照自己的意思去做。 We're going to buy a house when we've saved enough money. 我们存够了钱的时候,打算买一栋房子。 b indicating what is considered likely or probable: 表示可能会发生…事: Look at those black clouds—we're going to have/there's going to be a storm. 看那些乌云一暴风雨要来了。 c expressing the immediate or near future (= about to): 表示即将发生: I'm going to tell you a story. 我要给你们讲一个故事 M'm going to be twenty next month. 我下个月就二十岁了。 28 (compounds) (复合字) 'go-ahead n go ahead in 29 below. MO ss 列 29 义中之 go ahead。 ,go-as-you-please, attrib adj untroubled by regulations. 无拘束的; 自由行动的。 'go-by, → go by in 29 below. 参看下列 29 义中之 go byo go-'slow, → 10 above. 参看上利第 10 义。 ,go-to-'meeting, attrib adj (dated colloq of hats, clothes, etc) worn on special occasions, eg for church: (过时俗语,指衣帽等)为某种场合(例如赴敎堂)而穿戴的: wearing their Sunday go-to-meeting clothes. 穿着他们星期日做礼拜的衣服(体面衣服, 最好的衣服 29 [VP2C, 15B, 3A] (idiomatic uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与副词接语及介词速用的习惯用法): go about, a move from place to place; pay visits: 走来走去; 四处走动: I don't go about much anymore. 我不再经常四处走动了。 b (of rumours, stories, etc) pass from person to person, usu verbally; be current: (指谣言,故事等)流传(通常为口头上地): A story/rumour is going about that.... 据传说(谣传 )- c (of a ship) change course or tack(3). (指船)改变航行方向。 go about sth, set to work at: 着手于: You're not going about that job in the right way. 你做那事的方法不对。 We'll have to go about it more carefully. 我们必须细心去做此事。 go about one's business, deal with one's own affairs (rather than with sb vise's). 处理自己的事(勿管他人之事)。 go ebout with sb, spend time (in public) regularly with him: 经常(公开地) 与某人在一起: go about -with a bunch of thugs. 跟一群恶棍鬼混。 go after sb/sth, try to win or obtain: 设法追求某人(获得某物): He's going after that pretty Swedish girl, is trying to win her interest or affection. 他正在追求那位美丽的瑞典女郞。 He's gone after a job in the City. 他去伦敦老城求职。 go against sb, a oppose: 反对: Don't go against your father. 不要反对标的父亲。 b have an unsatis-factory outcome: 话禀不 4 入涌盘: The war is going against them, They seem likely to be defeated. 战争似乎对他们不利。 O also 20 above, 亦参看上列第 20 义。 go against sth, be contrary to: 与…相反: It goes against my principles/interests. 这与我的主张(利益) 相反。 go against the grain, grain. go ahead, a make progress: 进步: He's going ahead fast. 他进步很快。 The Joneses are very go-ahead (=progressive) people; it's difficult to keep up with them. 琼斯一家人很前进,令人难以赶上。 b proceed without hesitation: 不犹豫地进行: 'May I start now?' 'Yes, go ahead:'我可以动身吗 ?'' 是的,动身罢。' Hence, 由旅生, 'go-ahead n permission to proceed: M许进行 : . give them the go-ahead. 准许他们进行。 go along, proceed: 进行: You may have some difficulty first but you'll find it easier as you go along. 最初你或许有些困难,但过些时你会觉得较为容易。 go along with sb, a accompany: 陪伴: /'// go along with you as far as the main road. 我将陪你走到大路。 b agree with: 同意: I can't go along with you on that point. 我不同意你的那一点。 go at sb/sth, a rush at; attack: 冲向; 攻击: They went at each other furiously. 他们猛烈地互相扑打。 They went at it tooth and nail/hammer and tongs, fought furiously. 他们猛烈地攻击。 b take sth in hand, deal with it energetically: 妨力去做; 努力对付: They were going at the job for all they were worth, making the utmost possible effort to do the work. 他们在尽最大努力做此事。 go away, leave. 离去。 go away with sb/sth, take with, abscond with: 带走; 卷逃: He has gone away with my razor, has taken it with him. 他把我的剃刀带走了。 go back, a return. 回来。 b extend backwards in space or time: 回湖: His family goes back to the time of the Norman Conquest, can be traced back to then. 他的家族可追湖至诺曼第人征服英国的时代。 go back on/upon, fail to keep; break or withdraw from, eg a promise: 违背; 背弃(例如诺言): He's not the sort of man who would go/to go back on his word. 他不是那种背信的人。 go before (sth), precede: 居前: Pride goes before a fall. 骗者必败。 go behind sth, search for sth: 寻求某物: go behind a person's words, look for a hidden meaning in what he says. 探求一人言语中的含义。 go behind sb's back, do or say s(h without his knowledge. 瞒着某人做或说某事。 go beyond sth, exceed: 超过: You've gone beyond your instructions. 你已逾越你所受到的指示。 That's going beyond a joke, is too serious to be amusing. 那样开玩笑是太过火了。 go by, pass: 经过: Time went by slowly. 时间慢慢逝去。 We waited for the procession to go by. 我们等着那行列走过。 'go by sth, a be guided or directed by: 受…之指导: I shall go entirely by what my solicitor says, shall follow his advice. 我将完全遵照律师的指示。 That's a good rule to go by, to be guided by. 那是个可以遵守的好规则。 b form an opinion or judgement from: 凭…而判断: Have we enough evidence to go by? 我们有足侈的证据以资判断吗? It's not always wise to go by appearances. 股外表判断不一定是明智的。 I go by what I hear. 我根据我听到的而判断。 ,go by the 'book, follow the rules closely. 按照规则行 go by/under the name of, use the name of; be called. 称为; 叫做。 'go-by n. give sb/sth the goby, (colloq) ignore; disregard; slight or snub: (俗) 忽视; 不理; 匝视; 冷落: He gave me the go-by in the street yesterday, ignored me completely. 他昨天在街上视我为路人。 go down, a (of a ship, etc) sink. (指船只等)沉没。 b (of the sun, moon, etc) set. (指日,月等) 下落。 c (of food and drink) be swallowed: (指食物与饮料)被呑下: This pill won't go down, I can't swallow it. 这药丸呑不下去。 d leave a university for the vacation, having graduated, etc. 离开大学去度假; 已举业。 (of the sea, wind, etc) become calm: (指海,风等平静; 平息: The wind has gone down a little, is less strong. 风势减弱了。 f (of prices) go lower: (指物价)跌落: The price of eggs/The cost of living has gone down. 鸡蛋的信格(生活费用)下跌了。 (g) go down to the sea/ country etc, pay a visit to the seaside, countryside, etc. 去海食(郷村等)。 go down before sb, be defeated or overthrown: 被击败; 被推翻: Rome went down before the barbarians. 罗马被野携人征服。 go down (in sth), be written in; be recorded or remembered in: 被记录下来; 被记得: It all goes down in his notebook. 他将它都记在笔记簿里了。 He'll go down in history as a great statesman. 他将成为历史上伟大的政治家。 go down to, be continued or extended as far as: 继续至; 延续至: This 'History of Europe' goes down to 1970. 这部,欧洲史'记述至 1970 年止。 go down (with sb), (of an explanation or excuse; of a story, play, etc) be accepted or approved (by the listener, reader, audience, etc): (指解释成借口,故事,戏剧等)为听者,读名, 听众等接受或赞许: The new play went down well/tike a bomb (= extremely well) with provincialaudiences. 这新戏钱为(深为)地方观众赞赏 oThat explanation won't go down well with me. 我不相信那种解释。 The new teacher doesn't go down well with his pupils. 新教师不受学生们的欢迎。 go down (with sth), fall ill (with an illness): 染価: Poor Peter—he's gone down with flu. 可怜南泡得一他染上了流行性感冒。 ’ go for sb. a go to fetch: 去取来或接来: Shall I go for a doctor? 要我去请一位医生吗? b attack: 攻击: The dog went for the postman as soon as he opened the garden gate. 邮差一打开花园的门,那狗便向他扑了过去。 Go for him! (said to a dog to urge him to attack). 去咬他!(对狗说的话)。 They went for me in the correspondence columns of the papers. 他们在报上通信栏内攻击我。 c be applicable to: 可以应用于: What 1 have said about Smith goes for you, too. 我所说的有关史密斯的话也可以用在你的身上。 go for nothing/little, be considered of no/little value: 被认隽无价値: All his work went for nothing. 他的一切工作都归于零(被认为无何偿値)。 go forth, (formal) be published or issued: (正式用语)公布; 发表: The order went forth that .... 命可宣布说…。 go forward. (aadvance: 前进: A patrol went forward to investigate. 一支巡逻队前去调査。 b make progress: 进步: The work is going forward we . 工作进展良好。 go in. a enter: 进入: The key won't go in (the lock). 这箫匙塞不进(锁里)去。 This cork's too big; it von't go in. 这软木塞太大了,塞不进去。 She went in to cook the dinner. 她进去烧饭。 b (of the sun, moon, etc) be obscured by clouds: (指日,月等)被云遮蔽: The sun went in and it grew rather cold. 太阳被云遮蔽,天气变得有些冷了。 c (cricket, etc) begin an innings: (板球等)开始一局比赛: Who goes in next? 下一局该谁了? d enter as a competitor: 参加比赛: Go in and win! (used as a form of encouragement). 去好好比赛一场!(用以改励参加比赛者)。 go in for sth, a take, enter (an examination or competition). 参加(考试或比赛)。 b have an interest in, have as a hobby, etc: 以…用尔趣,嗜好等; 爱好: go in for golf/stamp-collecting/ growing orchids. 爱好高尔夫球(集邮,种兰)。 go into sth, a enter: 进入; 加入: go into business; 从商; go into the Army/the Church/Parliament. 从军(做传敎士; 当国会议员)。 When did Britain go into Europe, join the EEC? 英国在何时加入了欧洲若同市场? go into details, rdetail'(2). b investigate; examine carefully: 调査; 审畚: go into the evidence; 调査证据; go deeply into a question. 深究一问题。 This problem will need a lot of going into, will need thorough investigation. 这问题需要彻底调査。 c (allow oneself to) pass into (a certain state): (使自己)进入(某种状态): go into fits of laughter/hysterical fits. 发出阵阵笑声(歇斯底里症发作)。 go into mourning, wear black clothes as a symbol of mourning. 着丧服。 go off. a explode; be fired: 爆炸; 发射: The gun went off by accident. 这枪走火了。 b lose good quality; deteriorate: 变质; 变坏: The cooking in the hotel has started to go off. 旅馆内的烹调已开始变坏了。 This milk has gone off, turned sour. 这牛奶变酸了。 Meat and fish go off quickly in hot weather. 肉和鱼在熟天很快会变坏。 c become unconscious, either in sleep or in a faint: (睡眠或晕倒时)失去知觉: Hasn't the baby gone off yet? 这婴儿还没有睡着吗? She went off into a faint. 她晕倒昏迷过去了。 d (of goods) be got rid of by sale: (指货物)贞掉; 售出: The goods went off quickly. 那些货物很快地卖掉了。 e (of events) proceed well, etc: (指事件)进行良好等 : 77te performance/concert went off well. 表演(音乐会) 进行甚佳。 How did the sports meeting go off? 运动会进行的情况如何? f (as a stage direction in a printed play) leave the stage; exit/exeunt: (剧本中的演出说明)下场: Hamlet goes off. 哈姆雷特下。 go off sb/sth, lose interest in or one's taste for: 对某人(某物)失去兴趣; 不再喜欢: Jane seems to have gone off Peter. 珍好像已不再喜欢彼得了。 I've gone off beer. 我不喜欢啤酒了。 g 。 the beaten track, 3 beaten, go off the deep enp, Qend1。). go off one's head. chead'(19). go off with sb/ sth, go away with, esp abscond with or steal: 带走; (尤指)拐带(某人或某物): He's gone off to Edinburgh with his neighbour's wife. 他已与肃居的妻子私奔至爱丁堡。 The butler went off with some of the duke's treasured possessions. 那管事席卷公爵的一些珍蔵而逃。 go on, a (of time) pass: (指时间)过去: As the months went on, he became impatient. —— 月月地过去,他变得不酎烦了。 b conduct oneself; behave, esp in a wrong, shameful or excited way: 举动(尤指错误、可耻或激动地行动): if you go on like this you'll be thrown out. 如果你继续此种行为,你将被开除。 c happen; take place; be in progress: 发生; 进行: What's going on there? 那里发生了什么事? There's nothing interesting going on here at present. 这里目前没有有趣的事情发生。 Harvesting was going on in the south. 南部在收割。 Things are going on much as usual. ― 切血常。 d (theatre) appear on the stage: (敛剧)出葫: She doesn't go on until Act Two. 她要到第二幕才出杨。 e take one's turn at doing sth; (eg cricket) begin bowling: 输到做某事; (例如板球)投球: The captain told Snow to go on next. 队长叫斯诺下一个投球。 'go on sth, take or accept, eg as evidence: 接受(作为证据等): What evidence have we got to go on, to be guided by in reaching a decision, etc? 我们必须接受什么证据? go on the dole/social security/(US) (美) welfare, obtain, eg when un: employed, payments under various government schemes. 簌受美业津贴。 go on the pill, start using contraceptive pills. 服用避孕药丸。 go on about sth, talk persistently and often irritatingly about: 不断地(常是令人气愤地)谈请: I wish you'd stop going on about my smoking 请不要再谈论我抽烟的事。 go on (at sb), rail; nag; scold: 责骂; 埋怨; 挑剔: She goes on at her husband continually. 她不信地埋怨她的丈夫。 Oh, you do go on! 咬哟,你真在照人! be going on (for), (of age or time) be approaching: (指年龄或时间)接近: He's going on (for) seventy. 他快七十岁 Zo be gone on, (sl) be infatuated with: (俚)迷恋: It's a pity Peter's so gone on Jane. 彼得如此迷恋着珍真是遗憾。 go on to sth/to do sth, do or say it next; proceed to it: 接着做; 接着说: Let's now go on to the next item on the agenda. 现在让我们接着讨论议程的下一项。 He went on to say that..., He next said that.... 他接着说…。 I shall now go on to deal with our finances. 晚在我要接着处理我们的财务 c go on (with sth/doing sth), continue, persevere, with: 继续; 保持: Go on with your work. 继续你的工作。 How much longer will this hot weather go on? 这种热天气还要继续多久? That's enough to go on with/to be going on with, enough for our immediate needs. 那足修目前的需要了。 Go on trying. 继槽尝试。 I hope it won't go on raining all day. 我希望不会整天下雨。 Go on (with you)! (colloq) Don't expect me to believe that! Don't be so silly! etc, according to context. (俗)不要胡说!我才不信呢! 别傻! ,goings- on n pl (colloq) (often with such strange/queer) happenings; behaviour: (俗)(常与 such strange, such queer 连用)发生的事情; 举动: I've never seen such queer goings-on! 我从未见过这种怪事! on going adj continuing; progressing; evolving. 继续的; 进行的; 发展的。 go out, a leave the room, building, etc: 离开房间、建筑务夺: She was (all) dressed to go out, wearing outdoor clothes, 她打扮好准备外出。 Out you go! 滚出去! Do you often go out riding (ie on a horse) ? 你常出外骑马礒? b attend social functions, go to parties, dances, etc: 参加社交活动; 参加聚备、舞会等: She still goes out a great deal, even at seventy-five. 她虽然已七十五岁,仍时常参加社交活动。 go out on a spree/on the town, spree, town, c be extinguished: 熄灭: The fire (eg the fire burning in the grate) has gone out. 贝已熄灭。 There was a power cut and all the lights went out. 停电了,所有的灯都熄了。 d become unfashionable: 不再流行; 过时: Has the fashion for boots/Have boots gone out? 长靴已过时了吗?(研 (of a government) retire from power. (指政府 j 卞台。 f (as used by workers oP themselves) strike: (工人们用语)罢工: Are we likely to gain anything by going out? 我们罢土能得到什么好处吗? come our d in come(16). g (of a year, etc) end: (指岁月)结束: The year went out gloomily. 那一年悲惨地结束了。 go out on a limb. limb(2). go out to, leave, eg one's own country, and go to: 离开(例如本国)而去: He couldn't get work at home (eg in England) so went out to Australia. 他在国内(例如英国) 找不到工作,所以去了澳洲。 go out to sb. (of the heart, feelings) be extended to: (指心、感情)给与; 施与: Our hearts/sympathies go out to those poor children orphaned by war. 我们同情那些因战争而变成孤儿的可怜的孩子。 go out with sb, (colloq) be regularly in sb's company: (俗)经常陪伴某人; 与异性交往: How long has Jane been going out with David? How long have Jane and David been going out together? 珍和天卫交往有多久了 ? go over, (colloq) make an impression: (俗)予人以印象: I wonder whether this new play will go over, whether it will impress the public, be favourably received. 我不知道这新剧是否给予观众良好印象。 David didn't go over well with Jane's parents at the weekend. 大卫在周末给畛的父母的印彖刁 ' :好。 go over sth, a examine the details of: 仔细检査: We must go over the accounts carefully before we settle them. 在结帐以前,我们必须将这帐目仔细核对一番。 b look at; inspect: 看; 视察: We should like to go over the house before deciding whether we want to buy it. 我们要将这房屋査看一遍,然后再决定是否要买。 c rehearse; study or review carefully: 演习; 温习: Let's go over this chapter/lesson/the main facts/Scene 2 again. 我们将这一章(一课,主要事实,第二场) 再温习一遍 oHence, 由此产生, ,going-'over n (pl goings-over) a (colloq) process of examining or putting in good working order: (俗)检查; 核对: The document will need a careful going-over before we can make a decision. 在我们作决定以前,需要将这攵件仔细石一 To The patient was given a thorough going-over by/from the doctor. 那病人山医师彻底检查了一下。 b (sl) beating: (俚)殴打: The thugs gave him a thorough going-over, beat him repeatedly. 流 tR 们将他毒打一顿。 go over to sb/sth, change one's political party, side, a preference, etc: 变嘿; 倒戈; 投向; 改用: He has gone over to the Democrats. 他已投入民主作: 。I'm going over to a milder brand of cigarettes. 我现在改抽一种较淡的香烟。 go round, a be enough, in number or amount, for everyone to have a share: ,(在数妆上)足够分配: There aren't enough apples/isn't enough whisky to go round. 苹果(威士忌)不掳分配了。 b reach one's destination by using a route other than the usual or nearest way: 绕道: The main road to Worcester was flooded and we had to go (a/the long way) round. 至乌斯特的要道被洪水淹没,我们必须绕道(绕很远)。 go round (to a place/to do sth). visit: 拜访: We're going round to my mother's/ to see my mother at the weekend. 我们打算在周末去拜望我的母亲。 go round the bend, (colloq) become hysterical, enraged, mad, etc. (俗)变为就斯底里、激怒、墉: 狂等。 go through, a (= get through) be passed or approved: 被通过: The Bill (ie in Parliament) did not go through, id 议案未被通过。 b be concluded: 被订立; 被缔结: The deal did not go through. 这项交易未谈瓦 go through sth, a discuss in detail: 详细讨话: Let's go through the arguments again. 我们将这些论据再详细讨论一遍。 b search: 搜査: The police went through the pockets of the suspected thief. 警员搜査那个窃盗疑犯的口电 (Bperform; take part in: 股行; 参加: She made him go through both a civil and religious wedding. 她使他举行了照俗约和宗敎仪式的婚礼。 How long will it take to go through (= complete) the programme? 整个节 [I 要多久结束? d undergo; suffer: 经整; 遭受: go through hardships. 经历艰难。 If you only knew what she has to go through with that husband of hers! 你要是知道她得跟着她那位丈夫受什么样的涔,就好啦! e (of a book) be sold: (指书)被胃出: The book went through ten editions. Ten editions were sold out. 这本书资完了十版。 f reach the end of; spend: 至…之尽头; 花费: go through a fortune/all one's money. 耗尽财产(所有的金钱)。 go through with sth, complete; not leave unfinished: 完成; 做完: He's determined to go through with the marriage in spite of his parents' opposition. 他不顾父母的反对,决心要完成这婚事。 go to/towards sth, contribute to, be contributed to: 有助于; 促或: IVhat qualities go to the making of a statesman? 有何条件才能做一个政治家? This money can go towards the motor-bike you're saving up for. 你可以用这笔钱加上你的存扶买部你所需要的摩托车。 go together, a (of two or more things) be a normal accompaniment (of one another): (指两件以上的事物)经当(互相)作随: Crime and poverty often go together. 罪恶与贫穷常常互相作随。 b nratch; he suitable together: 相配:调和: my green shirt and my blue jeans go together? 我的绿衬若与鸵牛仔裤相配毗?匚〉 go with c below. 参右下 ” 之 go with c . go uhder, a sink ; 沉没。 b (fig) fail; succumb; become bankrupt: (G)失成; 屈从; 破产: The firm will go under unless business improves. 这家公词如不改进业务将仓倒闭。' go up, a rise: 上升: The barometer/temperature/thermometer is going up. 气跃诈(温变,塞鲁表)上升。 Everything went up (ie in price) in the budget except pensions. 预算中样样都增加了,只有养老金例外。 b be erected: 被 EL: New office blocks are going up everywhere. 新办公大楼到处建立起来。 c be blown up; be destroyed by explosion or fire: 被炸坏; 被庆毁: The bridge went up vith a roar when the mine exploded. 地而爆炸时,那桥梁府然一声被炸毁了。 The whole building went up in flames. 整侗建筑物为火侨焚毁。 d enter a university or travel to a town, esp the capital: 进大学; 进城(尤指首都): go up to London/to town. 去伦敦(进城)。 When will you go up (eg to Cambridge)? 你何时进大学(例如进剑桥大? go up sth. climb: H 登 go up a tree/ladder/wall/hill. 爬树(登梯: 学墙; 爬山)。 go up the wall. cwall. go with sb/'sth, a accompany: 陪件: i'll go with you. 我陪你 — ihio We must go with the times/tide, do as others do nowadays. 我们必须跟上藤代(潮流)。 He always goes with his party, votes, etc as the party does. 他总是追随他的政:鹭行事。 b take the same view as: 与…有相同的鱼点: I can t go with you on that, can't agree with you. 关于那一点我不同意你的看法。 c be a normar accompaniment of: 通常仰随; 附带; 连同: Five acres of land go with the house, become the property of the buyers or are for the use of the tenant. 这所房子附带有五嗷空地。 Disease often goes with squalor, but it is wrong to say that crime always goes with poverty. 疾病通常因不洁而起,但如果说罪恶永远因贫穷而生则是不正确的。 d match; be fitting and suitable with: 配合; 适合: These new curtains don't go well with your carpet, don't suit them. 这些新窗帘与你的地毯不太调合。 I ant some shoes to go with these trousers. 我要一些配这些长佛的鞋子。 e (colloq) (of a young man or girl) be often in the company of a person of the opposite sex possibly with a view to marriage: .(俗)(指泞年男女)常与…在一起(希望能结婚): go with a girl, Cgo out with sb above. 常和一女孩子在一起,(参看上列之 go out with sb) → go without (sth), endure the lack of: 忍受没有…之苫: The poor boy often has to go without supper. id 叮怜的男孩时常没有晚饭吃。 There's no money for a holiday this year; we'll just ha.e to go without. 今年无钱度假,我们只好不度假了。 go without saying, be understood without actually being stated: 不用说; 不待 M : goes without saying that she's a good cook. 她是个好卅子,自不待言。




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