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单词 glow
释义 glow /glao; gio/ vi [VP2A, C] 1 send out bright ness or warmth without flame: 发炽热; 发光辉; 无焰地燃烧: ~ing embers/charcoal; 炽燃的余燃(木炭); ~ing metal from the furnace. 自错炉中取出的炽热的金属。 2 (fig) be, look, feel, warm or flushed (as after exercise or when excited): (喻) 身体发热或面孔发红(如运动后或兴奋时): ~ i g with enthusiasm/health/pride. 热情洋溢(容光焕发; 得意扬扬)。 3 show strong or warm colours: 显示鲜 56 的颜色: woods and forests ~ing with autumn tints. 带有鲜洗秋色的树林。 n (sing only, with def or indef art) ~ing state; warm or flushed look; warm feeling: (仅用单数,与定冠词或不定冠词连用)炽热; 容光焕发; 热情: in a ~ of enthusiasm; 热情洋溢地; cheeks with the ~ of health on them; £ 上润的面颊; (。〃) in a ~ after a hot bath; 洗过热水澡后浑身通红; the ~ of the sky at sunset. 落日余阵。 ,■ worm n insect of which the wingless female gives out a green light at its tail. 萤火虫。 ~ing adj showing warm colour or (fig) enthusiasm: 颜色鲜明的; (喻)热心的; 热烈的: give a ~ing account of what happened; 热烈地敍述所发生之事; describe an event in ~ing colours. 生动地描述一事件。 ~in9ly adv




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