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单词 gloss
释义 gloss1 /gios; gbs/ n 1 [U] smooth, bright surface: 光滑的表面: the ~ of silk and satin; 绸缎之光滑的表面; material with a good ~. 表面光滑的料子。 ~ 'paint n paint which, when dry, leaves a ~ (usu 二二一一 2 (usu 常作 a ~) deceptive appearance: 欺人的表而; 虚饰: a ~ of respectability, eg over a life of secret wrongdoing. 金玉其外的声望(例如掩饰暗中犯罪生活者)。 vt [VP15A] ~ over, give a ~ (2) to; cover up or explain away (an error, etc): T以光滑的表面; 掩饰(错误等): ~ over sb's faults. 掩饰某人的过失。 ~y adj (-ier, -iest) smooth and shiny: 光滑的; 有光泽的: a ~y photographic print; 光面的相片; ~y hair; 光滑的头发; ~y periodicals, those printed on high quality ~y paper, with photographs, coloured illustrations, etc, esp those periodicals dealing with clothes, fashions, etc. 由光滑的上等纸印成的有照片,彩色插图等的刊物(尤指介绍服装,时间' 等书 /-ill; -ill/ adv ~ i ness n




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