絮絮不休xù xù bù xiūchatter away; jabber continuously;keep talking on and on ❍ 小俞只顾~地说着,却没有注意晓燕的脸一阵红一阵白的。(杨沫《青春之歌》557)Shuxiu chattered away without noticing how the colour was coming and going in Xiaoyan’s cheeks. ❍ 一路上,孩子像往日一样活泼,~,话意说不完。(陶承《我的一家》14) His incessant chattering lasted all the way home. ❍ 但这些都没有用,因为无论如何,他还是~地谈下去。(叶圣陶 《倪焕之》111)But it made no difference to him because whatever they were like he’d just keep talking on and on. 絮絮不休xù xù bù xiū絮絮:形容说话等连续不断。形容说话做事等连续不断,没有停止。be long-winded, chatter away, a ceaseless chatter |