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单词 sight
释义 sight1 /salt; salt/ n 1 [U] power of seeing: 视力; 视觉: lose one's ~, become blind; 失明; 变盲; have long/short or far/near ~, be able to see things well only at long/short range; 患远 (近) 视; have good/poor ~ ( = eyesight). 目力良好 (不好) 。 know sb by ~, know him by appearance only, not as an acquaintance. 和某人面依 (并不相识) 。 second ~, second' ⑴ . 2 [U, but sometimes with indef art 但有时用不定冠词 ] seeing or being seen: 见; 被见; 观览: Their first ~ of land came after three days at sea. 他们在海上三天之后才首次看见陆地。 catch ~ of: have/get a ~ of, begin to see; succeed in seeing: 发现; 看到: If you ever catch ~ of Ted Clark anywhere, call the police. 如果你在任何地方看见泰德克拉克,就去报警。 keep ~ of; keep sb/sth in ~, remain near enough to see or watch. 将…保持在视线之内; 照看; 监视。 lose ~ of, see no longer; fail to pay further attention to; forget about: 再也看不见; 忽略; 忘记: I've lost ~ of that bird. 我不知那鸟的去向。 We must not lose ~ of the fact that.... 我们切不可忽略…之事实。 at/on ~,as soon as (sb or sth) is seen: 一见到 (某人,某物) 立即: play music at ~, from printed music without previous study or practice; 看谱演奏 (未先行研究或练习); a draft payable at ~ /a ' ~ draft, to be paid at once when presented. 即期汇票。 The sentry had orders to shoot at/on ~, as soon as he saw any suspicious person, etc. 哨兵奉令见到可疑的人立即射杀。 at first ~, when first seen; without study, examination, etc: 初见; 乍看; 未加研究,细察等: At first ~ the problem seemed insoluble. 乍看之下这问题似乎无法解决。 He fell in love with her at first ~. 也对她一见钟情。 at (the) ~ of, on seeing: 一看见…航: At ~ of the police officers the men ran off. 那些人一看到警官们就跑开了。 They all laughed at the ~ of old Percy dancing with a girl of sixteen. 他们看到老勃西与一位十六岁的女郎跳舞,全都大笑。 3 [U] range of seeing; distance within which seeing is possible: 视域; 眼界: in/within/out of (one's) (of objects, etc) visible / invisible. (亩物体等) 看有见 (看不见 The train was still in /was not yet out of 那火车尚看得见 (尚未消失) 。 Victory was not yet in 胜利尚不可预料。 in/within/out of ~ of sth, (of the viewer) where sth can/ cannot be seen: (指观看者) 能看见 (看不见): We are not yet out of ~ of land, can still see it. 我们仍可看见陆地。 are now within ~ of the end of this boring task, can look forward to reaching the end. 这件令人厌烦的工作不久可望结束。 come into/ go out of ~, come near enough/go too far away to be visible. 进入 (走出) 视界。 keep out of ~, stay where one cannot be seen. 待主不会被人看见的地方。 keep out of sb's ~, stay where he cannot see you. 不要让某人看见。 4 [U] opinion; way of looking at sth: 意见: Do what is right in your own ~. 做你认为对而事。 All men are equal in the - of God. ± 帝对所有的人同等看待。 5 [C] sth seen or to be seen, esp sth remarkable; (pl) noteworthy buildings, places, features, etc of a place or district: 情景; 景象; (尤指) 奇观; (复) 一地方或地区之值得看的建筑物,胜地,特色等; 名胜; 风景: The Grand Canyon is one of the ~s of the world. 大峡谷是世界为胜之。 Our tulips are a wonderful ~ this year/are a ~ to see. 我们的郁金香 (今年) 至为可观。 Come and see the ~s of London. 来看看伦敦的名胜。 Hence, 由此产生,'一 seeing n going about to see places, etc. 观光; 游览。 '~seer /-si: a (r);/ n person who goes to see the ~s. 观光言。 ~ for sore eyes, person or thing one enjoys seeing; sb or sth very welcome. 乐于看见的人或物; 极受欢迎的人或物。 6 a ~,(colloq) person or thing that excites ridicule or unfavourable comment: (俗) 惹起嘲弄或物议的人或事物: What a ~ she looks in that old dress! 她穿那件旧衣服看起来怪里怪气! What a ~ you are! 瞧你这副德性! She 'does look a ~! 她的样子真怪! - 7 [C] (often pl) device that helps to aim or observe when using a rifle, telescope, etc: (常用复数) (步枪,望远镜等帮助瞄准或观察的) 瞄准器; 照准具; 准星; 准头; 照门: the ~s of a rifle; 步枪之准星与照门; aim or. observation taken with such a device: (以瞄准器所作的) 瞄准: take a careful ~ before firing; 发射前仔细瞄准; take a ~ with a compass/ quadrant; 以罗盘 (象限仪) 瞄看; take a ~ at the sun, eg to determine a ship's position. 观测太阳 (以推定船的位置等) 。 8 a ~,(sl) great quantity: (使) 大量; 很多: It cost him a ~ of money/trouble. 那花了他一大笔钱 (为他招来一大堆麻烦) 。 He's a ~ (adverbial, 作副词用, = very much) too clever to be caught by the police. 他非常聪明,警察抓不到他。 not by a 'long ~, not nearly. 差得远; 远不如。 ed suff (with adj) having the kind of ~ (1) indicated: (与形容词连用) 有某种之视力的: WeM-/ 'long-/1 farmed. 视力弱的 (眼光远大的; 远视的) 。




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