释义 |
provokevt. 1. call forth,cause. give rise to,induce唤起,引起,导致,引诱。 △R.III.1.2.60: “Thy deed inhuman andunnatural / Provokes this deluge most unnatural.”你那惨无人道而伤天害理的行为引起了这种极不正常的鲜血泛滥。 △Lr.4.4.13:“that to provoke in him”,要引起他安眠。 2. arouse,urge on. incite 激起,怂恿,刺激。 △Gent.26.4: “And ev’n that power. which gave me first myoath,/ Provokes me to this threefold perjury.”就是当初使我发誓的那股力量,现在却在鼓动去做这三重背誓的行为。 △Wiv.2.3.72 (70):“And I will provoke him to't,orlet him wag.”我要鼓动他这样做,否则就让他走开。 △As.1.3.113(110): “Beauty provoketh thieves sooner thangold.”美貌比金钱更容易招引贼人。 △Ham.2.2.3:“Theneed we have to use you did provoke / Our hasty send-ing. ” 现在我有需要你们帮忙之处,因此急急把你们召来。 △R.III.1.2.97: “I was provoked by her slanderoustongue,/ That laid their guilt upon my guiltless shoul-ders.”我是受了她那毁谤的言语所刺激,她把他们的罪过都推到我这无罪的肩膀上了。 △R.III.2.2.20:“for my good un-cle Gloucester / Told me the King,provoked to it bythe Queen,/ Devised impeachments to imprisonhim;”因为我的好叔叔葛罗斯特告诉我国王,在王后挑唆之下,捏造罪名把他监禁起来。 3. agitate. induce (...to quiver) 使不安,引起(…颤动)。 △2H.VI.4.7.98 (93):“The palsy,and not fear. pro-vokes me. ”是瘫痪,而不是恐惧,引起我颤抖。 4. rouse to anger,incense激怒,使发怒。 △H.VIII.3.2288 (287): “Your goodness. / Since you provoke me.shall be most notorious.”既然你激起了我的愤慨,我就要让你这种美德臭名远扬。 5. drive,impel驱动,推动。 △1H.VI.5.5.5:“And,likeas rigour of tempestuous gusts / Provokes the mighti-est hulk against the tide.”正像阵阵猛烈的风暴把一艘巨大的船推向狂涛怒浪。 ~ vb. refl. cause,seek,impel 促使,试图,驱使。 △2H.IV.1.3.95: “Thou,beastly feeder,art so fullof him,/ That thou provokest thyself to cast himup.”你们,狼吞虎咽的人,对他腻了,现在又想把他呕吐出来。 |