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单词 sign
释义 sign1 /sain; sain/ n [C] 1 mark, object, symbol, used to represent sth: 记号; 符号: mathematical ~s, eg +, x. +. 数学符号 (如 +, x, ■-5-)。 2 word or words, design, etc, on a board or plate to give a warning, or to direct sb towards sth: 吿示; 牌示: 'traffic ~s, eg for a speed limit, a bend in the road, 交通牌示 (如说明速度限制,路鹭等) 。 ' n post at or near crossroads with names of jplaces on each road (and often distances). 路标 (置于十字路口,标示地名、距离等) 。 vt provide with ~posts: 为…设置路康: The road is well ~ posted. 这条路设有明确的路标。 3 sth that gives evidence, points to the existence or likelihood of sth: ■ 象; 征兆; 痕迹: Me ~s of suffering on his face. 他脸上的痛苦的痕迹。 Are dark clouds a ~ of rain? 乌云是天雨的征兆吗? Violence is a ~ of weakness or fear, not a ~ of strength or confidence. 暴力是懦弱或恐惧的迹象,不是力量或信心的表征。 ~ and counter—, secret sentences, etc by which friends can be distinguished from enemies or from those who do not share a secret. 口令; 隐语; 黑话。 4 movement of the hand, head, etc used with or instead of words; signal: 手、 头等的示意动作; 手势; 信号: a ' ~-language, eg one used by deaf and dumb persons; 手语 (聋哑者等所用之语言); the ~ of the cross, a movement with the hand outlining a cross, as a blessing, or with a prayer. (祝福或祈祷时) 用手画十字。 5 , ~ (-board), device (often painted on a board) displayed by traders and shopkeepers ('shop - ~),and by inns to advertise their business: 招牌; 店招 (商店,旅社等用以招揽生意者,如: 'shop—, 'inn—): at the ~ of the Red Lion, at the inn of this name. 在红狮旅社。 '~-painter n person who paints ~boards. 制作招牌者。




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