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单词 sift
释义 sift /sift; sift/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 14, 15A, B] ~ (out) (from), put, separate by putting, through a sieve: 备; 筛分; 过滤: ~ the cinders; 筛煤渣; ~ (out) ashes from the cinders/the wheat from the chaff. 自煤渣中簿出灰 (将小麦的壳子筛掉) 。 2 [VP6A, 15A] shake through a sieve: 筛撒: ~ flour; 筛撒面粉; ~ sugar on to a cake. 筛籍在糕饼上。 3 [VP6A] (fig) examine carefully: (喻) 详审; 细审: ~ the evidence. 细审证据。 4 [VP2C] fallpass, come through, as from a sieve. 筛下; 纷带。 ~er n small sieve-like utensil, chiefly used in .cooking: 小筛住要用于烹 fi): a 'flour-er. 面粉筛。




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