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单词 signal
释义 signal1 /'signal; 'sign)/ n [C] 1 (making of a) movement, (showing of a) light, (sending of a), message, device used, to give a warning, an order or information, esp to sb at a distance; order, warning, etc, conveyed in this way: 信号; 暗号; 打信号等; 借信号所发出的命令,警吿等:'traffic ~s, for cars, etc in the streets; 交通信号; 'hand ~s, made with the hand by the driver of a motorvehicle to show which way it will turn, etc; 汽车驾驶者的手势 (如表示转弯等); give the ~ for an attack. 发出进攻的信号。 A red light is usually a ~ of danger. 丘灯通常是危险的信号。 A train must not pass a ~ that is at danger. 火车切不可闯危险号志。 '~box n building on a railway from which ~s and movements of trains are controlled. 引起一阵欢呼。 3 electronic impulse in radio, TV, etc; sound or TV image, transmitted or received: 讯号; 电台、电视发送或接收之声音或影像: an area with a poor/excellent TV signal. 影像不清(极隹) 之地区。 vt, vi (II-. US, -I-) [VP6A, 9, 17, 2A, C] make a ~ or ~s to; send by ~; make use of ~(s): 向…发信号; 以信号报知; 用信号: ~ a message; 以信号发送消息; ~ (f 。) the commanding officer (that...)-, 向指挥官发信号(报吿…); ~ (to) the waiter to bring the menu; 作手势要侍者拿菜单; ~ that one is about to turn left. 作手势表示将向左转。 Sailors ~ with flags by day and with lights at night. 水手们白日用旗,夜晚用灯, 发信号 o —ler (US = ~ er) /'signala(r); 'signal1/ n person who ~s, esp a soldier (cf Navy, 参较海童用语, '-—man) specially trained in sending and receiving messages. 信疏员; (尤指)信号兵。 (铁路上之) 信号所。 '~man /-man; -zmaen/ n (pl -men) person who operates ~s on a railway; man who sends and receives ~s (in the army and navy). (铁路之) 信号手; (陆海军之) 信号兵。 ' ~ gun n one fired as a ~ in case of distress, eg on a wrecked ship. (危难时,如遭船难,所用之) 信号枪; 号炮。 2 event which is the immediate cause of general activity, etc: (”般活动等之) 直接原因; 导火线: The arrival of the President was the ~ for an outburst of cheering. 总统的到津




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