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单词 fun
释义 fun /fAn; fAn/ n [U] 1 amusement; enjoyment; playfulness: 娱乐; 快 ; 嬉戏: What fun the children had at the seaside, How they enjoyed themselves! 孩子们在海边玩得真开心! He's full of fun. 他很风趣。 I don't see the fun of doing that, do not think it is amusing. 我不觉得做那事有什么趣味。 'fun.fair n amusement park. 儿童乐园; 游乐场。 → amuse. fun and games, (collOq) lively merry-making; pranks. (俗)欢乐; 开院笑。 make fun of; poke fun at, ridicule; cause people to laugh at: 嘲弄; 取笑: It is cruel to make fun of a cripple. 取矣一成者是启忍的。 for/in fun. as a joke, for amusement; not seriously: 开玩笑地; 闹着玩地; 非认真地: He said it only in fun. 他只是说着玩的。 2 that which causes merriment or amusement: 有趣的人或物: Your new friend is great fun, is very amusing. 你的新朋友很有趣。 3 (attrib, colloq): (形容用法,俗): a 'fun car/hat/fur, used, worn, for amusement. 娱乐用的汽车(帽子,毛皮衣)。




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