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单词 众怒难犯

众怒难犯zhòng nù nán fàn

one cannot afford to incur public wrath; it is dangerous to antagonize the masses
❍ 子产曰:“~,专欲难成。合二难以安国,危之道也。” (《左传·襄十年》) Zichan replied,“It is difficult to go against the anger of them all; and it is difficult to secure the exclusive authority to yourself. If you insist on both these difficulties in order to quiet the state,it is the very way to endanger it.”/狗腿子到了知道~的时候,就是再怎么胆大的也变成胆小了。(高云览《小城春秋》50) Given a real taste of public wrath,even the boldest of the bad eggs turned timorous.

众怒难犯zhònɡ nù nán fàn

众人的愤怒是不可冒犯的。形容不能违背大多数人的意愿。it is dangerous to incur the anger of the masses, one can’t afford to incur public wrath, be hard to stand the united wrath of the masses





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