释义 |
碰钉子pèng dīng zihave a slap in the eye; be foiled (/rebuffed/rebuked/snubbed); get a rebuff;get the cheese; knock one’s head against a brick wall;meet with a rebuff:run into (/up against) snags(/obstacles); strike a snag ❍ 他觉得突然去找杨部长,有点冒失,万一不肯,不但碰个大钉子,说不定讲徐义德包庇地主,可吃不消啊! (周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—228)Going to see Yang Jian about this question straight away,he felt was rather inadvisable. If he met with a refusal it would not only be an unwelcome snub,but also Yang Jian might report that he,Xu Yide,was shieding a landlord. No,no,that wouldn’t do at all!/干工作免不了~,谁还不是一样! (袁静《新儿女英雄传》46) Everybody,at some time or other,has difficulty in his job. ❍ 他并不是怕~,也不想趋奉学生,哄骗学生。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》109) He wasn’t afraid of finding he had more than he could handle,and he wasn’t trying to smooth the boy down and wheedle him round,either. ❍ 自从给枪炮打破了大门之后,又碰了一串钉子,到现在,成了什么都是“送去主义”了。(鲁迅《且介亭杂文·拿来主义》28) Since having her front gate breached by cannon and knocking her head several times against a brick wall,she has now adopted a give-away policy in everything. ❍ 但是如果一下子不能肃清,或者还碰了钉子的时候,就表示没有办法,悲观失望,感伤起来; ……(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》64) If they fail in this and meet rebuffs,they give up and become pessimistic and down-hearted,…/可是我们的同志看问题,往往带片面性,这样的人就往往~。(《毛泽东选集》288) But our comrades often look at problems one-sidedly,and so they often run into snags. ❍ 你还以为前途太光明,所以一~,便大失望,……(鲁迅《三闲集·通信“回信”》79—80) You painted too rosy a picture of the future,so that the first setback made you lose heart completely. ❍ 小梅笑着问大水: “你怎么啦?工作上~啦?” (袁静《新儿女英雄传》77) “What’s the matter?”asked Mei with a smile.“Did something go wrong in your work?”/在平日,季交恕总认为先生脾气好,容易亲近。而这回,碰了钉子,心里很难过。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—56) Jiaoshu had always found his teacher a mild-tempered man who was easy to approach.That was why this rebuke hurt him more than usual. 碰钉子peng ding zihit a snag 碰钉子meeting with a rebuff 碰钉子get snubbed; meet with a rebuff 碰了个软钉子be tactfully (or mildly) rebuffed |