释义 |
cross-gartereda. wearing the gar-ters crossed on the leg将袜带十字交叉扎在腿上。 △Tw.2. 5. 168(153):“Re-member who commended thy yellowstockings,and wished to see thee ev-er cross-gartered:” (Malvolio occasi-nally wore yellow stockings and gar-ters tied cross-ways round his leg.Both ways were old-fashioned at thetime and Olivia hates them. But Ma-ria here deceives Malvolio intothinking that Olivia likes them.)记着谁曾经赞美过你的黄袜子,谁愿意看见你永远扎着十字交叉的袜带。(按:玛利娅这话是骗马伏里奥上当。) △Tw.3.2.82(74):“And cross-gar-tered?”还交叉着绑袜带? cross-gartered |