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单词 盛气凌人

盛气凌人shèng qì líng rén

arrogant and aggressive; be haughty towards sb; be pushy and overbearing; bully (/browbeat) others; carry an arrogant air; come the quarterdeck over sb;domineering; get up on one’s hind legs; give oneself airs; lift up one’s horn; overbearing; throw one’s weight about
❍ 对于形形色色的官僚主义作风和资产阶级作风,总要进行严肃批评。他批评人是从关心爱护出发的,从来不~,使受批评的同志心悦诚服。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—24—25) He would criticize in sharp words bureaucratic and bourgeois ways in all their manifestations. He did this out of love and concern for the comrades and was never haughty towards them,so they always accepted his criticisms glad ly.
❍ 他骄傲,有了一点成功,就~,不可一世,企图压倒别人,不能平等地谦逊和气地待人。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》47) They are arrogant,and whenever they accomplish something they throw their weight about,become overbearing and try to domineer,and they do not treat others as equals in a modest and friendly way.
❍ 赵再云仍然是一种~的派头,拉着他一同坐在床沿上。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—218) With the same old arrogant air,Zhao dragged Jiaoshu along to sit down with him on the side of the bed…


domineering;arrogant;overbearing;with overweening airs
~的样子assume an imperious bearing or gesture

盛气凌人shènɡ qì línɡ rén

盛气:指骄横的气焰;凌:欺压。用骄横的气焰欺压人。overbearing, carry things with a high hand, put on airs and insult to hers, get up on one’s hind legs, lift up one’s horn





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