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单词 mill
mill/mɪl/ n & vt

n (1)磨粉厂(机)(a building or machinery in which grain is crushed to make flour)[C]:a wind-/water-~风力/水力磨坊;a busy/large~繁忙/宽敞的磨坊;The~is still used to grind flour.磨坊仍用来磨面。

(2)工厂(场)(factory used for processing materials such as wool steel or cotton)[C]:a paper-/steel-/saw-~造纸/钢铁/锯木厂;a textile/woolen/lumber~纺织/毛纺/木材厂;Cotton is made in a cotton~. 棉布是由棉纺厂织的。

(3)碾磨(粉碎,榨汁)机(small machine for grinding sth into powder or crushing sth to press out the juice)[C]:a coffee-/pepper-~咖啡/胡椒碾磨机;a bone/cane/cider~骨头碾磨机/甘蔗榨汁机/苹果榨汁机;a~for crushing fruits and vegetables 水果或蔬菜榨汁机;

put sb/go through the mill历尽辛酸,经受磨练:Poor Jerry has had three operations in one year. He has really gone through the~.可怜的杰瑞一年动了三次手术。他真是历尽煎熬。

→′mill-dam n 磨房水坝;′mill-girl工厂女工;′mill-hand n 磨房工人;′mill-pond n磨房储水池;′mill-race n 磨房水车动力水流;′millstone n 磨石(盘);′mill-wheel n磨房水车车轮;′millwork机制木工产品;工厂的机器;′millwright n 磨粉厂的设计(建筑,修理)者;

vt (1)碾(碎)(grind or break down into smaller particles or fine grains in a mill)[T+n]:~grain/ore 碾谷物/碎矿石;~leaves on the road碾碎路上的树叶;~grain into flour 把谷物加工成面粉; 〖同〗grind,crush,powder;

(2)磨出(成)(produce or process in a mill)[T+n pass):This flour was~ed locally.这面粉是本地加工的。~ed flour磨出的面粉;

mill about/round(v adv)(人畜群)乱转(走)(vi):The crowd/rioters/groups of fans~ed around in front of the theatre.人群/暴徒/一群群的戏迷在剧场前转来转去。

→′milled adj碾碎的;′miller n 磨坊主





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