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单词 minute
minute1/′mɪnɪt/ nvt [-d,-d/ ɪd/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)分(钟)(unit of time equal to one sixtieth of an houror 60 seconds)[C]:The train starts in two~s/leaves at five~s past eight/is twenty~s late.火车两分钟以后开车/8点5分开车/火车晚点20分钟。It takes me fifteen~s to go to work.我上班要走15分钟。The park is only a few~s away from downtown.公园离市中心仅几分钟的路。only a ten-~walk/bus ride/delay 步行/乘车/耽搁仅10分钟;

(2)一会儿,片刻(very short period of timemoment)[Ua~]:Wait a~.等一会儿。Half/Just a~!稍等一下/就一会儿! I'll be with (join) you in a~.我立刻就来。He won't be a~;just sit down.他一会儿就做完;坐吧。It only takes a~to do this.这一会儿就干完。〖同〗moment,second;

(3)瞬间,立刻(specific point in time;instant)[Ua~]:Do/Stop it this~!立即就干/停! At this very/At that very~,the telephone rang.就在此/那时,电话铃响了。At any~he may come in.他随时都有可能进来。The teacher knew who he was the~he walked in.他一走进来,老师就认出他是谁。〖同〗instant;

(4)分(角、弧度测量单位)(one sixtieth part of a degree in measuring angles)[C]:35 degrees and 50~s 35度50分;an angle of 47°50~s 一个47度50分的角;12°10′equals (means) twelve degrees and ten~s. 12°10′等于12度10分。

(5)会议记录(written record of what is said and decided at a meetingesp of an organization)[pl]:the~s of a conference/a meeting大会/会议记录;It's on the~s.这是记录在案的。take/do/read the~s 作/记/读会议记录;Were the~s of the last meeting approved unanimously?上次会议内容获一致通过了吗?

(6)备忘录,纪要(rough draftsummary)[C]:a Treasury/ministerial~财政部/内阁备忘录;a~of a letter 信的摘要;a~authorizing the purchase of ten more computers 许可再买10台计算机的批示;〖同〗message;

at the last minute/moment最后一刻,紧要关头:change one's mind at the last~关键时刻改变主意;

up to the minute最新(式)的(infml):His knowledge about our plans is fresh and up to the~.他了解我们计划的最新进展。

→′minute-book n 会议记录本;′minute-gun n 分炮(每一分钟放一次,如致哀礼炮);′minute-hand n(钟表的)分针;′minute-man n 随时应召的民兵;͵minute′steak n 速热(薄)牛排;

vt 作记录(备忘录)(put in the minutes;record)[T+n]:~a dispatch/comment/suggestion记录电文/评语/建议;~an action point记录一行动要点;~the proceedings of the meeting 记录会议程序;I would like my personal opinions to be~ed. 我愿把自己的观点记录下来。





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