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单词 mirror
mirror/′mɪrǝ(r)/ nvt [-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)镜(子)(piece of glass or metal having a surface that reflects an image)[C]:stare/look/glance at oneself in the~往镜子里打量/看/看一眼自己;She seems to spend a lot of time looking in the~.她好像花大量时间来照镜子。a hand/driving/vanity/plate~手镜/汽车后视镜/化妆用的小镜子/平面镜;〖同〗glass;

(2)镜,真实反映(写照)(any thing that reflects or gives a picture of sth else)[C](fig):The newspaper is a~of public opinion. 这家报纸是公众舆论的真实写照。The city is a~of the nation's progress. 这座城市是整个国家发展的缩影;This work is a~of the times. 这部作品是时代的一面镜子。Each life is the~of many others.每一种生活都是其他许多种生活的反衬。~images 影像,翻版;〖同〗reflection;

vt 反映(射)(produce an image like a mirror does)[T+n]:The pond~ed the sky and clouds. 池塘映出天空和云彩。The lake~ed the surrounding trees. 湖面映出周围树木的倒影。The still water~ed the hillside. 平静的水面映出山坡的倒影。Your voice often~s your personality.人们的声音常能反映出自身的个性。The President~s the nation.(fig)总统象征一个国家。His novels~modern society.(fig)他的小说是现代社会的真实写照。

→′mirrored adj装有镜子的





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