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单词 mind
mind/maɪnd/ nv [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)脑子,头脑(part of a person which has ability to think and feel including all the thoughts people have)[C;U]:My~is filled with the future/is full of strange ideas.我的脑子里一心想着未来/满是奇怪的想法。Her~is not on her job.她的心思没在工作上。We don't know exactly what goes on in the~.我们不能确切地了解大脑是如何工作的。〖同〗brain,head;
 (2)智力,理解力(power of reasoning or understanding;intellect or intelligence)[C]:have an artistic/scientific/logical/simple/brilliant/sharp~有艺术才华/科学头脑/逻辑头脑/头脑简单/头脑聪明/头脑灵活;Education develops the~.教育启发智力。Follow your~not your heart. 凭理智,而不是凭情感。〖同〗intellect,intelligence;
 (3)有智慧的人(person of great mental ability)[C]:some of the best~s一些最有才智的人;one of the greatest~s of the time/the age/the day/the century 当代/现代/当今/本世纪最有智慧的人物之一;Newton was one of the greatest~s of sciences.牛顿是最伟大的科学家之一。〖同〗intellect;
 (4)愿望,想法,心思(people's desire thoughts or attention)[C]:do not know what is in sb's~不知道某人的心思;My~began to wander/was elsewhere. 我开始走神/心思在其他事情上。Nothing was further from my~.我从未有过这样的想法。〖同〗thought,thinking;
 (5)神志,心态(intellect in its normal state)[CU]:be strong in/be sound in~and body身心强健;be perennially young in~精神上永远年轻;The old man's~is going.老人的神志日见衰退。〖同〗reason,sense;
 (6)记性,记忆力(memory):call sb's name to/bring sb's name to~记得某人的/想起某人的名字;It would have slipped my~,if you hadn't mentioned it.这事你要是不提,我就忘记了。I can't remember his address,my~'s a blank.我记不起他的地址,我的脑子一片空白。〖同〗memory;
 at (in) the back of one's mind在脑海深处:The idea of writing a book slowly grew in the back of his~.他心里渐渐萌生了写一本书的念头。Fear of failure was in the back of his~.他担心会失败。
 be in two minds (about) 犹豫不决:She is in two~s whether to go or to stay/about going to China for her holiday.是去是留/是否去中国度假,她拿不定主意。
 be of one mind(about)同意,看法一致:They are of one~about who should become chairman.在谁当主席的问题上,他们的看法一致。
 be of the same mind有相同的观点(看法):I'm of the same~as my wife.我与妻子的看法相同。
 be out of one's mind 愚蠢,荒谬,发狂(infml):You must be out of your~to pay so much for such an old bicycle.你有病呀,花这么多钱买这么一辆旧自行车。
 be on one's mind 放在心上,有心事:Say what's on his~.说一说他的心事。The approaching trial was on his~.他惦记着即将开庭的事。
 bear (keep) sth in mind 记住,牢记:Bear in~that he has been very ill/the instructions I've given you.记住他一直病得很重/我告诉你的话。I'll bear your advice in~.我将牢记你的忠告。
 blow one's mind 使人极度兴奋(激动)(sl):The film/music really blew my~.这影片/音乐令我着实兴奋了一阵子。
 change one's mind改变主意(想法):John has changed his~about going to Florida for his vacation.约翰已不打算去佛罗里达度假。Smith could change his wife's~about many things.在许多事情上史密斯都能改变他妻子的想法。
 close one's mind to sth不考虑(理睬):He has closed his~to any idea of seeing her again.他根本不考虑再见她。
 come (spring) to mind突然想起:I just pick up whatever groceries come to~.我想到什么就买什么。
 cross (enter) one's mind 出现,掠过:The idea never crossed (entered) my~.我从未有过这样的想法。
 dismiss sb/sth from one's mind不再想,打消念头:You must dismiss from your~any idea of getting your job back.你必须打消重操旧业的任何想法。
 give/put/set/turn one's mind to 专心从事(做):If you put your~to it, you could finish the work.如果你专心做这项工作,就能干完。She'll never succeed until she gives her~to her work.只有专心,她才会干好工作。
 go out of one's mind 被忘记;(因忧虑)而失常态:It had quite gone out of his~.他完全忘了这件事。She's going out of her~with anything about her missing child.只要一提起丢失的孩子,她便精神恍惚。
 have a good (great) mind (to do sth) 很(真)想(做)(infml):I've had a good~to go home.我很想回家。I have a good~to report you to the police.我真想把你报告给警察。
 have half a mind (to do sth)(infml) 有点想:I've half a~to tell your employer about your behaviour.我有点想把你的表现告诉给你的顾主。
 have a mind of one's own 独立思考,有主见: He has a~of his own. 他有自己的主见。
 have/get sb/sth in mind for 考虑,心中想着:I don't know whom he has in~for the job.我不知道他打算叫谁做这项工作。I could see he was not telling me all he had in~.我明白他不想告诉我他都在想什么。
 have it in mind to do 意欲打算(fml):She had it in~to go away without telling me/to promote Mr Davidson next month.她想不告诉我就走掉/下个月给戴维森先生晋升。
 keep one's mind on 专心某事,留心(意):Keep your~on the job/your studies. 用心工作/学习。
 keep/have an open mind(about/on sth/sb) 愿听取(接受考虑)别人的意见:Peter has an open~about his future/most issues.彼得对自己的前途/大多数问题都愿听取别人的意见。
 know one's own mind 有决断(明确想法):She may be only a child,but she knows her own~.尽管她还是个孩子,但很有主见。
 lose one's mind(因生气,忧虑而)失常(发疯):The storekeeper behaved as though he had lost his~. 店主的做法似乎丧失了理智.He completely lost his~and hit the policeman.他完全丧失了理智,竟然打了警察。
 make up one's mind (to do sth) 下决心,打定主意:They've made up their~to stay in Africa.他们已下定决心要留在非洲。
 put sb in mind of 使某人想起:The joke puts me in~of a story.这个笑话使我想起一个故事。She puts me in~of my sister.她使我想起了我的姐姐。
 read sb's mind 看出某人的心思(想法):I sat opposite him trying to read his~.我坐在他的对面试图看出他在想什么。I have known John so long that I can read his~.我与约翰相识很久了,我能知道他在想什么。
 set one's mind on sth 决心要,一心想:I've set my~on buying that watch/becoming a doctor.我决心要买那块表/一心想当一名医生。
 take sb's/one's mind off 使不想(暂时忘记):She thought a holiday might help to take her~off her sister's illness/her sorrow.她认为度假有助于使她暂时忘掉姐姐的疾病/她的不幸。
 turn sth over in one's mind仔细考虑:He turned the question/the idea of becoming a policeman over in his~.他反复考虑了这个问题/要当警察的事。
 →′mindful adj 着想(关心)的;′mindless adj 没头脑的;′mind-altering adj(毒品等)麻醉神经的;′mind-bending adj 令人费精神的;′mind-blowing adj(指毒品)令人极度兴奋的;′mind-boggling adj 惊人(不寻常)的;′mind-reader n 能看透他人心思的人;′mind-reading n 看透他人心思(的能力);
 v (1)照料,看(管)(look after;take care of)[T+n]:~one's baby/child/house/shop/sheep/luggage 照看婴儿/孩子/房舍/商店/羊群/行李;Could you~my bag for a moment while I go to the toilet? 我去洗手间,你能不能为我照看一会儿我的包? 〖同〗tend,attend to,look after,take care of;〖反〗neglect,ignore,disregard;
 (2)介意;反对(object to or dislike)[II+prep(about),T+nT+thatT+wh-inf passT+-ing](用于interr,neg 等):If you don't~,I'd prefer to stay in tonight. 你若不介意,我想今晚住下。Did you~about the matter/the petty irritations/his gossiping? 你对那事/那些令人生气的小事/他说的闲话放在心上吗? I don't~the cold/heat/his bluntness/the joke.我不在乎冷/热/他的坦言/那个笑话。She~ed very much(that)he had not come/he had forgotten to mail the letter.他没来/忘了寄信,她十分不快。Do you~if I smoke/am a little late/open the window? 如果我吸烟/晚来一会儿/打开窗子你不会介意吧? I don't~when/how/whether you do it.你什么时候/怎么样/是否做这工作,我都不在乎。Would you~shutting the door/holding your tongue? 请关门/别讲话,好吗? Would you~children going/Ann leaving home/my turning the television on? 孩子们走开/安离开家/我打开电视你介不介意?〖同〗object to,dislike,resent;
 (3)当(小)心(be careful about)[IT+nT+thatT+wh]:M~! There is a bus coming. 小心,有汽车开来了。If you don't~you'll fall.你不留心,就会摔倒。M~the gap/the step/the dog. 当心,有裂缝/台阶/狗。M~the wet paint/your head. 小心油漆/别碰着脑袋。M~(that) you finish the work today/beat down his prices a bit/take enough money with you.记着,工作得今天干完/把他的价格压低一点/要带足够的钱。M~where you're going with that sharp pole;you might kill someone.带着一根削尖的竿子走路,要留神别伤着人。〖同〗be careful,be cautious,take care;
 (4)注意,关心(pay attention tonotice)[无pass T+nT+wh]:M~your own affairs!少管闲事! Never~the expense! 别管费用多少! Don't~me;I'll be all right.别管我,我没事。I wish either had~ed what they were about.如果双方都注意到他们在干什么就好了。I~what you think about me.我很注意你对我的看法。〖同〗notice,watch,follow;
 Do you mind ? 劳驾(请)别(ironic):Do you~? That's my best shirt you are using as a floor cloth!别呀!那是我一件最好的衬衫,你用来擦地板了!
 I don't mind(if I do)请(infml):“Will you have a drink?” “I don't~if I do.”“喝一杯吗?”“好吧。”
 mind (you) 请注意:I'm not trying to make you leave England,~you,but the idea is worth listening.我可不是在劝你离开英国,不过这主意值得考虑。
 mind out (for)(v adv)小(当)心:M~out because she'll try to cheat you.当心,她企图骗你。M~out or you'll get hurt.小心,不然你会伤着的。
 →′minder n 照料(守护)人员;
 【辨异】mindbrainmake up one's minddecidedetermined toresolve的区别见BRAIN。





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