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单词 deny
释义 deny /di'nai; dfnai/ vt 1 [VP6A, C, 9, 25] say that (sth) is not true: 否认 (某事); 不承认: The accused man denied the charge. 被吿人不承认所控之罪。 I ~ that the statement is true. 我不亲认读话是 fli 的。 He denied this to be lhe case. 他不承认情形是如此。 He denied, knowing anything about/ denied any knowledge of their plans. 他否认知悉他们的计划。 It cannot be denied that.. ./There is no ~ing the fact that..., Everyone must admit that.... 不可否认的是 … ( 我们必须承认…) 。 → affirm. 2 [VP6A] say that one knows nothing about; disown; refuse to acknowledge: 否认知情; 拒认: He denied the signature, said that it was not his. 他否认这是他的签字。 Peter denied Christ. 彼得不认基督。 3 [VP12A, 13A] say no' to a request; refuse to give (sth asked for or needed): 拒绝; 不给 (所请求或需要之物): He denies himself/his wife nothing. 他对自己 (妻子) 有求必应。 He gave to his friends what he denied to his family. 他宁贿明友不腕家人 She was angry at being denied admittance. 她因被拒进入而发怒。 》




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