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单词 无稽之谈

无稽之谈wú jī zhī tán

a bold lie; a cock and bull (/fishy/ghost) story; a mare’s nest; a pack of nonsense;a tale of a tub; a travel (l) er’s tale;baseless (/senseless) gossip; mere fabrication;fiddlesticks; fantastic talk; idle reports; latrine rumour; old wives’(/piper’s)tales; rigmarole;sheer(/clotted) nonsense;tales of a long bow; unfounded rumour(/statement)/“这个分析对”,金懋廉点点头说,“最近市面上谣言多,有些简直是~。”(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—561) “I agree with that analysis,”said Jin Maolian,nodding.“You hear a lot of such things going the rounds these days and sometimes they’re utter nonsense. ”/我们坚决地斥责那些认为太平洋会议并非东方慕尼黑的~。(《毛泽东选集》536) We cat egorically repudiate the absurd view that a Pacific conference would not be an Eastern Munich.
❍ 无稽之言勿听; 弗询之谋勿庸。(《尚书·大禹谟》) Do not listen to unsubstantiated words; do not follow undeliberated plans.
❍ 这,大概不是~,因为有人确实看见他从这不在天上也不在地下的“家”很大方的爬了出来。(《茅盾文集》Ⅷ—60) We make these statements not without foun dation. Someone actually saw him debonairly emerging from this “home”—which was neither in the sky nor beneath the ground-…


fantastic talk;sheer nonsense


fantastic talk;sheer nonsense;cockand-bull story; groundless (or unfounded)statement;baseless remark(or gossip)
这种~不值一驳。Such nonsense is not worth rebutting.

无稽之谈wú jī zhī tán

稽:查考。指没有根据的话。sheer nonsense, senseless gossip, a tale of a tub, a cock-and-bull story





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