释义 |
无穷无尽wú qióng wú jìnendless;inexhaustible;infinite; know no limits; last for ever; no end of;unending; unfailing; without end ❍ 啊! 闰土的心里有~的希奇的事,都是我往常的朋友所不知道的。(《鲁迅选集》上—44) Runtu’s mind was a treasure-house of such strange lore,all of it outside the ken of my former friends. ❍ 医疗队又在那~的山岭中行进。(张骏祥、赵拓《白求恩大夫》119) The medical detachment marches through the endless mountains. ❍ 我站在这个三岔路口上,受着各种人的包围,听尽了他们的~的争吵。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》177) As I faced this decision I was surrounded by men who argued endlessly over the merits of the different choices. ❍ 杂感之~,正因为这样的“现状”太多的缘故。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—105) Indeed,the inexhaustibility of random thoughts is due to the fact too many such situations exist today. ❍ 一味姑息下去,则现在似的混沌状态,是可以~的。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—58)…and continue pardoning wicked men,then the present state of chaos will last for ever. 无穷无尽infinite;boundless;endless;limitless;inexhaustible ~的精力boundless energy/~的宇宙an infinite universe/~的争吵endless quarrel/~的智慧inexhaustible wisdom 无穷无尽wú qiónɡ wú jìn穷、尽:完,终结。形容没有限度,没有终结。endless, inexhaustible, without end, a world of |