adj (1)粗糙的,高低不平的(not smooth;uneven):Her skin/The cloth feels~. 她的皮肤/这块布摸上去很粗糙。~hands/wool/paper 粗糙的双手/毛织物/纸张;a~path/road 一条高低不平的小路/路;a~wall 一面凹凸不平的墙;We rode over~terrain. 我们在崎岖的地带行驶。〖同〗 unsmooth,uneven;〖反〗smooth,even;
(2)狂暴的,汹涌的,颠簸的((of weather,the sea,a sea voyage) stormy and very windy;not calm):~weather 狂风暴雨的天气;~seas/waves 汹涌的海浪/波浪;a~wind狂风;have a~crossing from England to France/flight from London to New York/ride on a camel 在汹涌的波涛中乘船从英国到法国/从伦敦颠簸地飞到纽约/骑骆驼颠簸旅行;The weather has been~this week. 这个星期的天气一直不好。〖同〗violent,tough;〖反〗calm,gentle;
(3)粗暴(鲁,野,俗)的((of people,their behaviour,etc)not gentle,polite or careful;uncivil;rude):~behaviour/manners 粗暴的行为/态度;~words 粗俗的话语;a~push/game/sport 粗野的一推/游戏/运动;a~diamond/fellow 一块未加工的金刚石;一个外粗内秀的人/粗俗的人;be given a~handling 受到粗暴的对待;Don't be so~with her/these toys. 别那么粗暴地对待她/不要那样不爱惜地摆弄那些玩具。have a~tongue/temper 说话粗鲁/火暴的脾气;a~humour 一个粗俗的笑话;~kindness 粗鲁而友善;the~area/quarter of the town 城里秩序极乱的地区/地区;〖同〗rude,violent;〖反〗polite,civil;
(4)粗略的,大概的,初步的(not complete or exact;approximate)[无comp]:a~draft/sketch/drawing/translation/outline/calculation/idea/plan 草稿/草图/草图/草草的译文/粗略的提纲/粗略的计算/初步的想法/初步的计划;~justice 大致公平合理;This estimate is very~. 这个估计仅仅是初步的。〖同〗crude,inexact,approximate;〖反〗exact,elaborated,complete;
(5)(声音,味道)剌耳(鼻,激)的;沙哑的;难吃的(harsh to the ear,or taste;(of food)coarse):a~voice/sound粗哑的嗓音/刺耳的声音;a~wine/meal 一种难喝的酒/一顿便饭;This machine sounds~─ Let's have it checked. 这台机器的声音听上去不对──让我们检查一下。
(6)倒霉的,艰难的,难熬的(unfortunate;unpleasant and difficult to bear;ill):have a~time/life 过得/生活得艰难;Her father's death gave her a really~time. 她父亲的去世使她受了很多累。What~luck/work! 多倒霉的运气/艰苦的工作! the~est test one ever took某人所参加过的最难的考试;He felt a bit~after an evening of heavy drinking. 喝了一晚上酒,他觉得有点难受。That's a bit~. 那多倒霉。〖同〗hard,difficult,tough;〖反〗comfortable,pleasant;
be rough on sb (infml) 1)(对某人)粗暴苛刻:His father is~on him. 他父亲对他很粗暴。 2)(对某人)不幸:It's~on her to have/having to stay behind when her parents go abroad. 她太不幸了,父母去了国外,而她不得不留在国内。
rough and ready 1)简陋但还可以:She gave us a~and ready meal. 她为我们提供了一顿简单但还能吃饱的饭菜。2)和蔼但不注意礼貌:He is(a)rather~and ready(man),but you'll like him. 他人好但不拘礼节,可你会喜欢他的。
→′roughly adv 粗暴(鲁)地;大约(概);′roughness n 粗糙(略、鲁);′roughen v(使)变粗(毛)糙;′roughneck n 粗鲁的人,无赖;石油钻井工,石油工人;
adv (1)粗暴(鲁)地(roughly;in a rough way):play~(比赛等)动作粗野;
(2)简陋地 (in simple living conditions): sleep/live~户外露宿/风餐露宿;
cut up rough 发怒(脾气) (infml): After she knew what her son had done,Mary cut up~. 玛丽知道她儿子所做的事后,大发脾气。
→′roughcast n(涂墙的)粗灰泥;′rough-hewn adj 毛坯的;粗凿成的;
n (1)高低不平的地面,(高尔夫球场的)深草区(uneven or uncultivated ground,especially on a golf course)[U,the~]:I lost my ball in the~.(高尔夫球比赛时)我在深草区丢失了一球。a lot of~大片青草丛生的地面;
(2)草图(样、稿)(drawing,writing etc that is still rough)[C]:a pile of~s 一堆草图(稿);He is looking for the~s for the project. 他在找那项工程的草图(稿)。the~s for a new book 一本新书的草稿;
(3)暴徒,流氓等(disorderly and noisy person who often behaves in a violent way)[C](infml):a gang of~s 一伙暴徒;a crowd of young~s 一群小流氓;
in rough 粗(大)略地:I've written the essay out in~,but I haven't copy it. 我的论文草稿已经写好了,但还没有誊写。
in the rough(艺术品)处于未完成的状态:My new statue is in the~. 我新创作的雕塑还只是毛坯。
take the rough with the smooth 好坏都要承(接)受:We must take the~with the smooth in life. 在生活中我们必须既能享受也能吃苦。
vt 使变粗糙(make rough;roughen) [T+n]:Hard work~ed his hands. 艰苦的工作使他的双手变得粗糙。
rough it 过简陋不舒服的生活(infml):If you go camping you'll have to~it. 如果你要野营,就要将就点。
rough in (v adv)勾画出(轮廓)(vt):I've just~ed in trees and buildings. 我刚勾画出树和房子的轮廓。
rough out(v adv)画出草图,粗略地计划(vt):I've~ed out some arrangements for the move tomorrow. 我粗略地安排了明天的行程。
rough up (v adv) 1)粗暴地对待(vt)(infml):Three boys~ed up a player on the visiting team. 有三个男孩粗暴地对待客队的一个队员。2)弄乱(vt):The boy~ed up his bed to make his mother think that he had slept in it. 那个男孩弄乱了床铺,好让他母亲以为他在床上睡过。
→′roughage n 粗饲料;粗糙食物