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单词 shoot
释义 shoot2 /Ju: t; Jut/ vi, vt (pt, pp shot) /fot; fat/ 1 [VP2C, 15A, B] move, come, go, send, suddenly or quickly (out, in, up, forth, etc): 突然或迅速地动,来,去,送: The snake's tongue shot out. 蛇舌突然伸出。 The snake shot its tongue out. 蛇突然伸舌。 Flames were ~ing up from the burning house. 火焰自燃烧着的房子冒 til。The meteor shot across the sky. 陨星氏至铜纸过天空。 The horse stumbled and the rider was shot over its head. 马绊脚,骑者由马头上面跌了下来。 As the car hit the tree the occupants were shot out. 汽车撞在树上的时候,车内的人被摔了出 . 来。 zk the half-way mark, Hill shot ahead, (in a race) came on quickly and passed his competitors. 在赛跑的半途,希尔突然冲前领先。 They shot angry glances at “s. 他们对我们投以愤怒的眼色 oRents have shot up, (= risen suddenly) in the last few months. 在过去几个月之中,租金突然上涨了。 Tom is ~ing up fast, quickly growing tall. 汤姆长高得很快。 She shot an angry look at him/shot him an angry look. 她对他投以枪怒的眼色。 ~ a bolt, send a bolt (of a door, etc) into (or out of) its fastening. 关上或打开(门等的)插梢。 ~ one's bolt, make one's last effort. 做最后的努力。 ~ dice, throw dice. W 骰子。 ~ rubbish, let it slide from a cart, etc (on to a heap or dump). 从车上等处倾倒垃圾。 ~ing 'star, meteor which burns up as it passes into and through the earth's atmosphere. 流星 (进入并穿过大气层时燃烧的陨石 ’2 [VP2A, C] (of plants, bushes) sprout; send out new twigs or branches from a stem: (指花草, 灌木) 发芽; 生枝: Rose bushes ~ again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪后仓再发郭枝。' 3 [VP2A, C] (of pain) pass with a stabbing sensation suddenly and swiftly: (指疼痛) 剌痛; 剧痛: The pain shot up his arm. 仙的臂刺痛。 I have a ~ing pain in my left leg. 我的左腿剧浦。 4 [VP6A] (of boats) move, be moved, rapidly over, through, etc: (指船 f) 迅速经过: ~ the rapids; 迅速通过急流; ~ the bridge, pass under it rapidly with the current. 随着水流迅速穿过桥下。 5 [VP6A, 15A, B, 2A, C, 4A] aim and fire with a gun or revolver; aim with a bow and send an arrow at; hit with a shell, bullet, arrow, etc; wound or kill (a person, animal, etc) by doing this: 放 (炮); 打 (枪); 射 (箭); 以炮弹,子弹,箭等打击; 射伤; 射杀 (人,动物等): They were ~ing at a target. 他们在向目标射曜。 He ~s well. 他苫于射击。 He shot an arrow from his bow. 他朗出衿上的箭。 Can you/Does your gun ~ straight? 你 (标术枪) 能命中吗? The soldier was shot (= executed by ~ing) for desertion. 那氏士因逃亡而被枪决。 The police did not ~ to kill, They used their weapons only to frighten the people (eg by firing over their heads). 警察鸣枪镇里 (非为射般入而开枪) 。 He's in Africa ~ing lions. 他在非洲 MM- He neither rides, ~s nor fishes, does not take part in these sports. 他不骑马,不射击,也不钓鱼。 He fell like a shot rabbit, like a rabbit that had been shot. 他像被射中的兔了那样摔在地上。 ~ away, (more usu 较常用 fire away) a begin and continue ing. 开始不停地射击。 b (fig) go ahead; begin. (喻) 开始。 ~ sth away, (more usu 较常用 fire sth away) get rid of by ~ing: 射完: ~ away all one's ammunition. 射完所有的弹药。 ~ sth down, bring to the ground by ~ing: 话底; 击落: The bomber was shot down in flames. 那株炸机被击落而燃烧起来。 ~ sth off. sever by ~ing: 击掉,击断,射断某物: He had his arm shot off. 他的臂被 (炮弹) 曜断。 ~ a covert/ an estate, etc, ~ the game in it. 在森林 (所有地等) 打聚。 ~ a line, (sl) exaggerate; lie; deceive. (匣) 夸大; 说谎; 欺骗。 ~ one s mouth off, (US sl) talk indiscreetly or wildly. (美俚) 轻率鸠谈话; 瞎吹胡扯。 ~ s place up, (US sl) terrorize (a town, district, etc) by going through it and shooting at random, firing at houses, etc. (美俚) 盲目放枪使 (城镇,地区等) 惊恐。 '~ing-box n house used by sportsmen in the ~ing season (eg one on moorlands). 猎舍; 狩猎小屋。 ,~ing-brake n (former times) large horse-drawn open carriage used by sportsmen (for carrying equipment, game that was shot, etc); (in modern times, ocoasionally used for) estate car. (昔时) 猎人所用之敞篷大马车; (现时偶而用作) 旅行车。 ing-gallery n place where ~ing at targets is practised with pistols or airguns. 手枪或气枪射击场。 ' ~- ing-range n ground with butts for rifle practice. 射击场; 靶场。 '~jng-stick, stick with a spiked end (to be pushed into the ground) and a handle which unfolds to form a seat. (一端插在地上,另一端可为座垫的) 独脚支棍座椅。 6 [VP6A, 2A] (cinema) photograph (a scene): (电影) 拍播 (一景); 摄影: a ~ing script, one to be used while a film is being shot (giving the order in which scenes are photographed, etc). 拍锹剧本 (拍电影时所用之剧本, 指示各景如何拍摄等者) 。 7 [VP2A] (football, hockey, etc) (chiefly imper) make a shot at scoring a goal. (足球,曲棍球等) (主用于祈使) 射门。 ~ infl n [U] (esp) (right of) ~ing (game) over an area of lad: (尤指) 狩猎; 狩猎权: sell the ~ing on an estate. 出售所看拓乏狩盛权。 talso 6 above. 亦参看上列第 6 义。




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