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单词 short
释义 short1 /fat; Jort/ adj (-er, -est) 1 (opp of long) measuring little from end to end in space or time; (opp of tall) below the average height: (K long之相反字) 短的; 短暂的; (为 tall 之相反字) 矮的: a ~ stick; 短棍; a ~ way off, not far away; 不远; a ~ man; 裱人; ~ grass; 苗草; a ~ holiday; 短暂的假期; a ~ time ago. 不久以前。 You've cut my hair very ~. 你把我的头发剪得太短了。 She walked with ~, quick steps. 她以, j 、而快的步子走路。 The coat is a little ~ in the sleeves. 那外衣的袖子略短。 The days are getting ~er now that autumn is here. 秋天到了,白昼潮短。 a ~ ball, (cricket) not bowled on a correct length. (板球) 投球的距离不劈长; 短球。 i ~ 'circuit n accidental fault in wiring enabling an electric current to flow without going through the resistance of the complete circuit. (电流) 短路 (电路之意外故障,电流未能通过全部电路之电阻而流动) 。 i ~ circuit vt, vi cause, make or take a ~ circuit in; cut off current from (sth) in this way; (fig) shorten or simplify (a procedure, etc): (使) 发生短路; 以短路切断 (某物) 之电流; (喻) 缩短; 简化 (手续弯): The system has ~-circuited. 这个电路系统发生短路了。 ~ cut n way of getting somewhere, doing sth, etc (thought to be) quicker than the usual or ordinary way: (Z某地, 做某事等的) 近路; 捷径: They took a ~ cut aerdss the fields instead of going by the road. 他们穿越田野抄近路而不走大路。 ' ~ list, n list of candidates (for a position, etc) that has been reduced to a small number from which a final selection is to be made. 决选名单 (候选人' 已淘汰至少数,以待作最后决定所列出的名单) 。 Hence, 由此产生, '~-list vt the candidates who have been ~-listed, whose names have been put on a ~ list (perhaps for interviews). 已列入决选名单的候选人。 I ~- 'lived /'Irvd US: 'laivd; Uaivd/ adj lasting for a ~ time; brief: 持续不久的; 短命的; 短暂的: a ~-lived triumph. 昙花一琼的胜利。, ~- 'range, adj a (of plans, etc) designed for a limited period of time. (指计划等) 短程的; 短时间的。 ( b) (of missiles, etc) with a comparatively limited range1 (3). (指飞弹等) 短程的; 射程有限的。 have a ~ temper, be lacking in self-control, so that one quickly or easily becomes angry; 易怒; 脾气急躁; hence, 由此产吿, ,~-'tempered adj , ~-Perm attrib adj limited to, due to be repaid in. a ~ period of time: 限于短期的; 须短期内清偿的: ~-term loans. 短期贷款。 2 not reaching the usual, stated or required (amount, distance, weight, etc): (总数,距离,重量等) 不足的; 短少的; 缺少的: The shopkeeper was fined for giving ~ weight/measure. 那店主因卖东西重量 (分量) 不足而受罚。 The factory is/The workmen are on ~ time, working fewer hours per day, or days per week, than usual. 这工厂 (工人们) 缩短工作时间。 These goods are in ~ supply, The supply is not equal to the demand (are scarce is more usu.) → also commons (2 这些货物来源不充裕 (are scarce 较常用) 。 You've given me ~ change, less than the correct change. 你少找给我零钱了。 Hence, 由此产生,,~ - “ change vt cheat (sb) by giving less than the correct change. 少找零钱以欺骗 (某人) 。 bo ~ of. a not have enough of: 短少; 无足够之量: ~ Qf money/time. 短少钱 (时间) 。 b be distant from: 有一段距离; 未达到: The car broke down when we were still five miles ~ of our destination. 我们距日的地尚有五哩的时候,车子册锚了。 little/nothing ~ of, little/nothing less than: (几乎不,完全不) 少于或亚于: Our escape was little ~ of miraculous, was almost a miracle. 我们的逃亡几乎是一项奇迹。 make ~ work of, deal with, dispose of, eat or drink, quickly. 迅速处理、 支配、吃或喝。 ~ of breath, panting, eg after running fast. 喘气; 气促 (如快跑后) 。 '~-coming” (usu pl) failure (to reach a required standard, to develop properly, to do one's duty). (通常亩复数) 缺点; 短处 (未能达到所要求的标准,未充分发展或未尽责) 。 ~ 'drink n [C] (or, colloq 俗 a ~) whisky, gin, etc in comparatively small glasses or small portions at a time (contrasted with a long drink such as a glass of beer). 以小杯饮用的酒 (如威士忌、杜松子酒等,与大杯饮用的酒如啤酒等相对) 。 ,■'handed adj having not enough workmen or helpers, 人手不足的; 人手短少的。 ~ 'sight n [U] inability to see clearly things that are distant, or (fig) to see into the future. 近视; (喻) 无眼光 a Hence, 由此产生, ,~-'sighted adj The Government's policy is ~-sighted, does not take into account future needs, developments, etc. 政府的政策是短视的。 i ~-' winded adj easily and quickly becoming breathless after exertion; unable to run for long. 用力后易喘气的; 不能久跑的。 3 (in comm) maturing early; to be paid or met soon: ' (商) 短期的; 即将兑现的: a ~ bill/paper; 短期汇票 (票据); ~ date, early date for maturing of a bill, bond, etc. (兑现票据等的) 短期。 Hence, 由此产生,, ~-Bated adj. , ~ 'bond n one which matures within a period of five years. (五年期满的) 短期债券。 L-term 'capital, capital raised for short periods. 短期资本; 短期资金。 4 (of a person) saying very little, or saying much in few words; (of what he says, his manner of speaking) expressed in few words; curt; abrupt: (指人) 说话少的; 长话短说的; 说话扼要的; (指其所说之话、说话的态度) 言简意骇的; 简洁的; 唐突的; 简慢的: He/His answer was ~ and to the point. 他说话 (他的回答) 扼要中肯。 He was very ~ with me. 他对我甚为无礼。 for ~, as a ~er form; for brevity's sake: 简称; 为简短起见: Benjamin, called 'Ben' for ~. 本杰明,简称为'本,。 in ~, in a few words; to sum up briefly (after a long description, etc). 简言之; 总结 (在冗长的叙述之后等) 。 the long and the ~ of it, all that can or need be said. 一切所能说或所需要说的话; 总而言之。 5 (of cake, pastry) easily breaking or crumbling. (指饼,面点) 易碎的; 松脆的。 i ~ 'pastry n [U] made with much butter or fat. 浦酥'面点。 '~bread/cake n easily crumbled dry cake made with flour, sugar and much butter. (用面粉、糖和大量奶油做成的) 脆饼; 酥饼。 6 (of vowels or syllables) taking the less of two usual durations: (指母音佥音节) 短音的; 非长音的: the ~ vowel in 'pull' and the long vowel in 'pool', pull 之短母音和 pool 之长母音。 7 (other compounds and special uses). (其他复合字及特殊用法) 。 '~fall n deficit. 不足之额。 ~ hand n [U] system of rapid writing using special signs; stenography. 速记; 速记术。 by a head. a (racing) by a distance of less than the length of a horse's head: (赛马) 以短于马首长度之距离: Fly-by-Night won by a ~ head. ,夜宛'以不到一头之差险胜。 b (fig) by only a little. (喻) 借少量 (越过) 。 '~horn n [C] name of a breed of cattle with ~ curved horns. 一种短角牛。 ~ leg/ slip n (cricket) (板球) the illus at cricket. 参看 cricket 之插图。 ~ wave n (radio telegraphy) one having a wave-length of from 10 to 100 metres. (无线电报) 短波 (波长在 10 至 100 公尺之间) 。 ~ly adv 1 soon; in a ~ time: 即刻; 不久:~加 after (wards); 不久之后; ~ly before noon. 中午 iij 不久。 He is ~ (y to'leave for Mexico. 他即麻前荏墨西哥。, 2 briefly; in a few words. 简略地; 简言之。 3 sharply; curtly: 唐突地; 简慢地: answer rather ~ly. 颇为无礼地回答。 ~ness n




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