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单词 short
释义 short2 /fat; fort/ adv 1 abruptly; suddenly: 唐突地; 突然:~. 突然停止。 bring/puH/take sb up ~, interrupt or check him abruptly. 唐突地打断某人 (所说的话或所做的事) 。 ~ of. leaving out of question; except: 除…外; 除去: They would commit every crime ~ of murder. 除谋杀外,他们无恶不作。 2 before the natural or expected time. 未到自然的或预定的时间地; 不足地; 缺乏地。 come/fall ~ of, be insufficient, inadequate, disappointing (expectations, etc): 不足; 不及; 未达到 (期望等): The boxoffice receipts fell ~ of the manager's expectations. 票房收入未达到经理的期望。 cut sth/sb ~, a interrupt; bring to an end before the usual or natural time: 阻止; 使提早结束: The chairman had to cut ~ the proceedings. 主席必须提早结束议程。 b make ~ (er). 使短; 使简短。 go ~ (of), do without; deprive oneself (of): 无需; 使自己不能有: I don't want you to go ~ (of money, etc) in order to lend me what I need. 我不要你为了借给我所需要的 (如钱等) ,而自己感到短缺。 run ~ ( of), reach the end: 用欢 Our supplies ran 我们的给养用罄了。 We're running ~ of paraffin. 我们的石蜡快用完了。 be taken ~, (colloq) have a sudden motion of the bowels necessitating a hurried visit to the lavatory. (U)突然便急。 3 sell ~, (comm) sell for future delivery (stocks, shares, commodities, etc that one does not own) in the expectation of being able to buy more cheaply before the date agreed upon for delivery. (商) 卖空 (约定将来交货而卖出证券、股票、商品等, 希望交货前以低价买进) 。 sell sb ~, betray, cheat, belittle him. 背叛、欺骗、 贬抑某人。




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