释义 |
望[朢、]wànɡⅠ ❶ (向远处看) look over; gaze into the distance; look far into the distance: 观~ wait and see; 登高 ~ 远 climb high and gaze far; 眺 ~ look into the distance from a high place ❷ (探望) visit; call on: 拜 ~ call to pay one's respects; call on; 看 ~ call on; visit ❸ (盼望; 希望) expect; hope: ~ 回信。 Awaiting your reply. ~ 速归。 Hoping you'll return as soon as possible. 丰收在 ~。 A bumper harvest is in sight. ~ 及时完成。 You are expected to finish it in time. ❹ (怨) resent; hate: 怨 ~ have a grudge against sb.; hate Ⅱ ❶ (希望) hope; expectation: 愿 ~ desire; wish; hope; 失 ~ lose hope; 不负厚 ~ live up to sb.'s expectations ❷ (名望) reputation; prestige: 声 ~ popularity; prestige; 威 ~ prestige; 德高 ~ 重 be of noble character and high prestige ❸ (月相; 月望) full moon ❹ (望日) the 15th day of a lunar month ❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 兴 Wang Xing Ⅲ (对着; 朝着) at; to: ~ 观众挥手致意 wave to the spectators; ~ 她点头笑了笑 nod at her and smile ◆望长久远 plan for a permanent future; 望尘莫及 so far behind that one can only see the dust of the rider ahead; be a far cry from...; be thrown into the shade; be unable to keep pace with...; fall far behind as to be unable even to see the dust of the rider ahead; feel one is not another's equal; too far behind to catch up; too inferior to bear comparison; unequal to ...; 望穿秋水 gaze with eager expectation; be longing to have someone back; gaze anxiously till one's eyes are worn out; look forward with impatient expectancy; strain one's eyes by gazing; bore through with both eyes by gazing; (She's) worn out (her) eyes watching for someone.; 望穿双眼 wear out one's eyes by gazing anxiously; 望而却步 direct the eyes upon ... and step back; flinch; shrink back at the sight of (sth. dangerous or difficult); 望而生畏 be terrified (awed) by the sight of sb. or sth.; awe-inspiring; be daunted at the sight of; inspire awe even from distance; stand in awe; 望风 be on the lookout; keep watch; 望风捕影 gaze at the wind and seize the shadow; be taken in by rumours; be on the wrong track; 望风而来 come from all directions; 望风而逃 run away at the rumor of the approach of ...; flee at the mere sight of the oncoming force; flee before sb.; 望风而降 Everyone surrendered at the mere rumor of sb.'s coming.; 望风披靡 flee pell-mell before...; bend to [before] the wind; flee at the sight of ...; flee helter-skelter; melt away at the mere whisper of sb.'s coming; 望风引领 gazing at the wind and stretching out the neck — anxiously expecting sb.; 望高恐怖 batophobia; 望衡对宇 live near each other; 望江南 {植} coffee senna; 望楼 belvedere; belvidere; watchtower; lookout tower; 望梅止渴 quench one's thirst by thinking of plums — console oneself with false hopes; feed on fancies; look at plums to quench thirst — imagined satisfaction; quench thirst by watching plums — impossible; slake thirst by thinking of plums — vain hopes; 望门投止 stop over wherever there is a house; 望秋先零 show the feebleness of old age while still young; 望日 the 15th day of a lunar month; 望舌 {医} tongue inspection; 望天树 {植} parashorea cathayensis; 望文生义 take the words too literally; catch [strain] the meaning of words literally from the context; interpret without real understanding; read the writing and understand its meaning; 望闻问切 look, listen, question and feel the pulse — four ways of diagnosis; 望眼欲穿 expect to see someone who never comes; almost wearing out one's eyes; anxiously gaze till one's eyes are strained; aspire earnestly; be longing to have someone back; gaze anxiously till one's eyes are overstrained; have long been hungering for ... with impatient expectancy; have long been looking forward with eager expectancy; look for with impatient expectancy; look on with longing eyes; One's eyes are nearly worn out, looking for someone.; One's eyes are worn out watching for sb.; One's expecting eyes are going to be worn out.; wear out one's eyes looking for ...; 望洋兴叹 lament one's littleness before the vast ocean; bemoan one's inadequacy in the face of a great task; gaze at the ocean and complain of its infinitude; gaze at the ocean and sigh — feel powerless and frustrated; sigh by looking at the seas; view the vast ocean with despair; view with despair the vast ocean or vast work to be done; 望远镜 telescope; binoculars; 望月 full moon; plenilune; 望诊 {中医} observation of the patient's complexion, tongue, expression, behaviour, etc., one of the four methods of diagnosis; 望子成龙 hope one's children will have a bright future; have great ambitions for one's child; hold high hopes for one's child; mean to have one's son succeed; 望族 [书] distinguished family; prominent family; respected and influential clan 望wànginspection;observation |