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单词 死皮赖脸

死皮赖脸sǐ pí lài liǎn

as bold as brass; brazen-faced; brazen and unreasonable; hang on without any sense of shame; shameless; thick-skinned and hard to shake off
❍ 他一来了就不走,~的坐在那儿。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—236) Once he’s here he won’t leave,he just sits there as bold as brass.
❍ 这是阴谋,这是借统一之名,行专制之实,挂了统一这个羊头,卖他们的一党专制的狗肉,~,乱吹一顿,不识人间有羞耻事。(《毛泽东选集》678)This is a plot,an attempt to perpetuate autocratic rule under the guise of unification,to sell the dog-meat of their one-party dictatorship under the label of the sheep’s head of unification; it is a plot of brazen-faced braggarts who are lost to all sense of shame.
❍ 还亏是我呢?要是别的,~的三日两头儿来缠舅舅,要三升米二升豆子。舅舅也就没法儿呢!(《红楼梦》278)You’re lucky I’m not one of those thick-skinned people,for then I’d keep pestering you for three pecks of rice today,two pecks of beans tomorrow. What could you have done then. uncle?


thick-skinned and hard to shake off;brazen and unreasonable

死皮赖脸sǐ pí lài liǎn

形容胡搅蛮缠、死不要脸的无赖相。brazen faced and unreasonable, lost to shame, be utterly shameless





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