释义 |
死而后已鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已sǐ ér hòu yǐ(not stop doing sth)until one’s dying day(/till one’s heart ceases to beat); (keep doing sth) to the end of one’s days ❍ 那么,我的死相也还得装下去,装下去“~”,岂不痛哉! (鲁迅《华盖集》33) So I should have to go on looking more dead than alive to the end of my days. How unpleasant!/他全心全意地为了改造中国而耗费了毕生的精力,真是鞠躬尽瘁,~。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—312) He worked heart and soul for the transfor mation of China,devoting his whole life to the cause;of him it can be justly said that he gave his best,gave his all,till his heart ceased to beat. ❍ 吾辈当尽忠报国,~! (《水浒全传》 1039) We ought to be loyal and serve our country unto death. 死而后已until one's dying day;to an end of one's days 死而后已until one’s heart stops beating; until one’s death;to the end of one’s days 鞠躬尽瘁,~(诸葛亮·《后出师表》)bend one’s back to a task until one’s dying day;devote one’s all till one’s heart stops beating (The Latter Memorial to the Throne Concerning the Military Expedition by Zhuge Liang) 死而后已sǐ ér hòu yǐ已:停止。死以后才停止。形容一生勤恳努力,一直到死了为止。to the end of one’s days, until one’s dying day |