释义 |
沉不住气chén bù zhù qìcan hardly contain one's excitement; cannot remain calm; impatient ❍ 对! 鲁汉~了,叫道:“你都说到我心眼里了,真是这么办呀!林哥你说呢?” (知侠 《铁道游击队》 58)"“That's right!"shouted Lu Han,who could hardly contain his excitement. "What you've said is exactly what I was thinking. That's the only way! What do you say,Lin?"/可是,到吃饭的时候,还不见立安回家,他也~了。(陶承 《我的一家》 28) Though he reasoned with me,Meisheng could not remain calm either when Lian was still not back at supper time. /我有些~了,自己跑下山,要到部队里去打听,但是半路上邓颖超同志把我挡住了,…… (陶承《我的一家》 90) Growing impatient,I set out for the army headquarters to inquire about him. On the way there I was stopped by Comrade Deng Yingchao. 沉不住气lose control of oneself |