释义 |
沉[沈]chénⅠ ❶ (往下落,多指在水里) sink: ~ 底儿 sink to the bottom; 那条船深 ~ 海底。 The ship sank deep into the sea. 太阳正徐徐地 ~ 入地平线下。 The sun is gradually sinking below the horizon. 月落星 ~。 The moon is down and the stars have set. ❷ (使降落;向下放;多指抽象事物) keep down;lower: ~ 下心来 settle down (to one's work,etc.);concentrate (on one's work,study,etc.); 把脸一 ~ put on a grave expression;pull a long face ❸ [方] (停止) rest: ~ ~ 再办 rest a while,then take it up again Ⅱ ❶ (程度深) deep;profound: 睡得很 ~ be in a deep sleep ;be fast asleep;sleep like a log ❷ (分量重) heavy: 这箱子太 ~ 了。 This box is too heavy. ❸ (感觉沉重) heavy: 胳膊 ~ have a stiff arm; 我头有点发 ~。 My head feels heavy [fuzzy]. ◆沉不住气 can hardly retain one's composure;get excited; 沉沉 (分量重) heavy;(程度深) deep; 沉甸甸 heavy;heavy and not easy to wield; 沉淀 (沉淀过程中析出的物质) sediment;precipitate;sedimentary accretion;precipitation;(doposit) subsidence;deposition;hypostasis,settling;(从溶液中析出固体物质的过程) subside;deposit;precipitate;sedimentation; 沉淀物 precipitate;precipitant;settling;subsidence;ooze;sediment {地质};dregginess;settling matter; 沉积 {地} deposit;sedimentation;deposition;precipitation; 沉积物 {地质} sediment(ary);deposit sediment;settlings; 沉积岩 sedimentary rock; 沉寂 (十分寂静) dead;quiet;still;(引伸为消息全无) no news; 沉降 (沉淀,沉积,沉陷) subside;settle;{地} sedimentation;(地基在建筑物荷重下发生的竖向变形) settlement; 沉浸 immerse;steep; 沉井 {建} open caisson;well-sinking;sink; 沉静 (寂静) quiet;calm;(安静;平静) calm;serene;placid; 沉疴 severe and lingering illness; 沉雷器 sinking device; 沉沦 sink into (vice,degradation,depravity,etc.); 沉(雷)锚 sinker; 沉闷 (天气氛围等使人感到沉重而烦闷) dreariment;oppressive;depressing;(心情不舒畅) depressed;in low spirits;(性格不爽朗) not outgoing;withdrawn; 沉迷 indulge;wallow; 沉湎 [书] wallow in;be given to; 沉默 (不爱说笑) reticent;taciturn;uncommunicative;(不说话) silent; 沉默寡言 be scanty of words;not to be given to much speech;sparing in speech;uncommunicative;reticent;reserved;self-contained;taciturn; 沉没 (没入水中) sink;{地质} submergence; 沉溺 indulge;wallow; 沉砂池 {土} {环保} detritus chamber;detritus pit; 沉睡 be sunk in sleep;be fast asleep;sleep soundly; 沉思 ponder;meditate;be lost in thought;muse;ruminate; 沉痛 (深切的悲痛) deep feeling of grief or remorse; 沉稳 steady;staid;sedate;deep;profound; 沉陷 (下陷) sink;cave in; 沉香 (瑞香料常绿乔木) eaglewood;agalloch eaglewood;ligaloes;lignaloo;aloeswood;Aquilaria agallocha; 沉箱 {建} {土} caisson;float case;sinkbox;cofferdam;coffer; 沉毅 composed;calm; 沉吟 (沉思吟味,含默默探索研究之意,引伸为犹疑) mutter to oneself;meditate (in silence);unable to make up one's mind; 沉吟不决 hesitate to do [doing] sth.;hesitate to act or choose one's course;inability to make up one's mind; 沉鱼落雁 (a dazzling beauty that) makes the fish sink [dive down] and geese fall;one who would make wild geese alight and fish dive down for shame; 沉郁 depressed;gloomy; 沉冤 gross injustice;unrighted wrong; 沉冤莫白 a deep grievance that cannot be cleared;suffer a grievous wrong;wrongs that cannot be redressed;suffer unjust accusation [grievous wrongs] with no chance to clear one's name;bear an injury [a wrong] with no hope of being revenged;be unable to redress one's wrongs;not to right one's wrong; 沉渣 dregs;sediment;slummage; 沉滞 (不流畅) [书] stagnate;move sluggishly; 沉重 (分量大;程度深) heavy;(严重) serious;critical; 沉舟破釜 break the cauldrons and sink boats;cut off all means of retreat;fight with a rope round one's neck;burn one's boot; 沉住气 keep calm;keep cool;be steady; 沉着 (从容不迫) cool-headed;composed;steady;calm;(沉淀) deposition; 沉子 {渔} dipsey;sinker; 沉醉 get drunk;become intoxicated;{医} ebriety |