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单词 pace
pace/peɪs/ n [-s / ɪz/];v[-s / ɪz/;-d,-d /t/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1) (一)步;步距 ((length of a)step) [C]:take two~s forward/back 向前/后走两步;The house is only a few~s away from here. 那房子离这儿就几步远。There were perhaps ten~s between me and the bear.我和那熊之间大概有10步的距离。If you advance one~, I'll kill her.如果你再往前走一步,我就杀了她。 〖同〗step,stride;

(2)步速 (rate of speed at which a personanimalor group walks or runs) [Ua~]:go at a fast/slow/even/leisurely~: 快走/慢走/匀速走/闲庭信步;increase/quicken/slow down one's~加快/加快/放慢步伐;〖同〗rate, speed;

(3)速(进)度(speed at which any activity proceeds) [Ua~]:He was not accustomed to the fast~of New York living. 他不适应纽约生活的快节奏。The work progressed at a slow~. 这项工作进展缓慢。The story lacks~. 这个故事情节发展太慢。The sales resumed at a brisk~. 销售又活跃起来。〖同〗rate, speed;

Keep pace (with sb/sth) (跟……)齐步前进;(和……)并驾齐驰:Any country which fails to keep~with these developments will soon be in trouble. 跟不上这些发展的国家将很快陷入困境。The child ran along, trying to keep~with the adults. 那孩子一路小跑,尽力想跟上大人。

put sb/sth through his/its paces 测试某人(物)的本领(性能):Many different problems put the new mayor through his~s in the first months of his term. 许多各种各样的难题在新市长就任的头几个月检验了他的能力。

set the pace 定速度;树榜样:Her experiments set the~for future research. 她的实验为未来的研究工作树立了典范。

→pacemaker (pace-setter) n 定速度者;起搏器;

v (1)踱步,慢行 (walk slowly with regular steps) [I+prepI+adv]:He~d up and down (the room), waiting for news. 他(在屋里)踱来踱去,等待消息。The horse~d around the ring. 这匹马沿圆形场地慢行。The hikers~d steadily on. 徒步旅行者们一步一步地向前走去。Some were reading, some were~ing to and fro. 有的在读书,有的在来来回回地踱方步。〖同〗walk, stroll;

(2)来回踱步于…… (go over with steps) [T+n]:He~d the room/the hall angrily. 他气呼呼地在屋/厅里走来走去。She~d the floor trying to decide what to do. 她在地板上踱来踱去,苦苦地想着打算怎么办。

(3) 给……定步速(速度) (set the speed of a race) [T+n]:He~d the runners at 12 miles an hour. 他为跑步者规定12英里的时速。I~d myself in the race. 我在比赛中控制自己的步速。The teacher~s his teaching to his students' abilities. 教师根据学生的能力调整教学进度。

pace off/out (v adv) 步测(vt): I'll~out the room to give us an idea of the size for a new carpet. 我要步测一下房间的大小,好知道配多大的新地毯。





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