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单词 恨铁不成钢

恨铁不成钢hèn tiě bù chéng gāng

wish iron could turn into steel at once—set a high demand on sb in the hope that he will improve; be anxious for sb to make progress (/change for the better)
❍ 他愿意人家说他老驾的好话,因为他爱他,不过这种爱,有时候是从恨的形式表现的,这是“~”的恨,不是仇恨。(周立波《山乡巨变》 188) He liked to hear people speak well of his father,because he loved him,though his love was sometimes expressed in the form of hate—“hating iron because it isn’t steel,” not enmity.
❍ 马长胜说:“你就是~。宁金山开小差,你也有份责任。”(杜鹏程《保卫延安》132) “You can’t turn iron into steel just by wishing for it,”retorted Changsheng. “You’re as much to blame as the rest of us for Jinshan’s deserting.”/说到这儿,肖队长想起他听到的工作队员的讨论,就说: “~,是不行的。”(周立波《暴风骤雨》266)And he repeated what he had heard his team member say at a meeting: “It won’t do to wish iron could turn into steel at once.”

恨铁不成钢hen tie bu cheng gang

wish that iron could turn straight into steel—be anxious for sb. to improve

恨铁不成钢hèn tiě bù chénɡ ɡānɡ

怨恨铁不能被炼成钢。多指对期望的人不争气、不求上进而感到不满意。set a high demand on sb. in the hope that he will improve, be anxious for sb. to improve





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